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"The "Notre Europe" association presents "European Works""

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute


"In October 2008, The association created by Jacques Delors "Notre Europe" published "European Works", a book realized in collaboration with six Agence VU photographers. The photographs and words gathered in this book bring home to us how Europe is being made, day by day, at the scale of people's hopes and everyday lives across six emblematic cities – Belgrade, Dublin, Lodz, Malmö, Timisoara et Turin . The photographs are:

  • Belgrade: Martin Kollár
  • Dublin: Gilles Favier
  • &321;ód&378;: Cédric Gerbehaye
  • Malmö: Pieter ten Hoopen
  • Timi&351;oara: Rip Hopkins
  • Turin: Paolo Verzone

Among these 6 cities, 5 are taking part to the URBACT Programme :

Foreword by Jacques Delors and Christian Caujolle, the book European Works contains short extracts of long interviews with personalities from the six countries where we conducted our fieldwork research: Ireland, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia and Sweden. From one story to another, from East to West, North to South, come together fragments of a new European discourse: one made of analogies, contrasts, unexpected affinities - but also from discordances. The "European Works" exhibition has been shown at the Cité de l’architecture et du patrimoine, Paris, from October 17th to November 20th 2008.
It will be presented at the Committee of the Regions, Brussels, from November 25th and then in the six cities in the project (2009). Read more:
