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Car sharing and bike sharing in Palermo

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

One of our main goal during these months of work has been the creation of an integrated system of sustainable mobility which creates a connection between innovation and participation.

In recent years, environmental and Euro-economic policies have decided for the adoption of urban transport solutions which focus more attention on the protection of the environment and territory. For these reasons Bike Sharing and Car sharing represent both an efficient solution for the problem of traffic congestion and air pollution, with a significant positive impact on the quality of life in urban settlements.
Car sharing service, by low CO2 emission cars, allows to circulate freely in the restricted traffic areas of the historic center and in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Bike sharing is active in the city since December 2015 and after almost two years the number of users is growing very quickly. The potential and the value added of this service is that in Palermo, for the first time in Italy, there is an integration between Car and Bike sharing systems.

This innovation allows users to take advantages of the two services using the same membership card for Cars and for Bikes.
The development and the integration of new technologies make this service useful.

A dedicated APP – set up for mobile devices – has been created in recent times making the service even more smart.

Some of its potentials are:
- Online registration
- Booking on cartography via App or web
- Navigator with directions to reach the bike sharing stations
- Real-time availability for single bike
- Recharge credit possibility

This is part of the work that our Municipality is carrying out with the help of Interactive Cities and CityMobilNet, we will update you of the next step of our road to a more efficient and interactive mobility.


Municipality of Palermo