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Arrival Cities Project presented in the Commission Paper for Cohesion Policy

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

On the 29th of March the DG HOME organized the INFORMATION DAY on «EU funding for the integration of third-country nationals». The event took place in Brussels in the Centre Borchette.

The aim of the Info Day was to bring together Member States in charge of managing EU funding, regional and local level authorities and stakeholders implementing the measures on the ground as well as different EU institutions, bodies and partners in the integration work. The objectives of the Info Day were to provide Member States and regional and local level actors with comprehensive information on all aspects of EU financial support, to offer a forum allowing for sharing of good practice and networking and to give guidance on how to optimize the use of the available EU funding.

Duirng the Info Day a Paper published by the Commission on the Eu Cohesion Policy has been distributed to the participants. The paper contained a description of the Eu Cohesion Policy in the framework of migrant's and refugees integration and the role of ERDF funding.

Among the initiatives mentioned in the Paper the Arrival Cities Project has been presented as best practice in the category "Knowledge Exchange".

Below some reference documents:

AMIF Leaflet 

Photo rights reserved to European Commission