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Patras celebrates the European Anti-Racist Week

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 2 minutes

European Anti-Racism Week 2017

Actions in Patras - «No child is foreign!»

The “European Week Against Racism 2017” gave another opportunity to local stakeholders of the city of Patras (metropolitan centre of Western Greece) to join forces for a common goal!

A series of events took place within 18th to 23rd March 2017, under the initiative “No child is foreign!” that were designed and implemented through a participatory process involving twenty-eight (28) partners, namely: Municipality of Patras, UNHCR, Municipal Enterprise for Planning & Development (ADEP SA), Municipal Cultural Organization, Park of Educational Activities, Centre of Creative Occupation of Elderly people, Drama school of Municipal & Regional Theatre (DYPETHE), University of Patras, Directorate of Antiquities of Achaia, Directorate of Secondary Education of Achaia ( Dpt. of Cultural Projects and Dpt. of Health), Directorate of Elementary Education of Achaia (Dpt. of Cultural Projects and Dpt. of Health), Greek Network of Theatre within Education, Migrants Associations (Communities of Albania, Romania, Russia, UNIONLATINA), Institute of Intercultural Relations, Local Patras Department of Greek Guiding Association, Cultural Association of Ayia and Terpsithea districts of Patras, IDIFOS Photograohy Club of Patras, MERIMNA (Healing education centre for disabled children), MAHITES (Association of parents for education, vocational training and restitution of people with medical retardation), KOMETHO (Municipal centre for creative occupation of disabled people), Music scheme “DreamRoads”, IASON sailing group and IOP-Sailing Group of Patras.

Within this process several mixed cultural events (dance-theatre-music-poetry-games) delivered positive messages on humanity and inclusiveness. Schools of elementary and secondary education as well as civil society representatives exploited theatre and dance and made remarkable performances at the premises of “Park of Educational Activities” and at the main square at Patras city centre. Projects such as “Dance units, holds in and consoles”, “Monologues from Aegean sea”, “We welcome spring and diversity along with disabled people” touched the hearts of all and attracted the audience. The playgrounds of schools remained open at non-working hours for games such as “Many colors, One game!” and the messages of solidarity, friendship, human rights spread out in the spring air …

Migrant associations presented information about the culture and heritage of their origins through the active involvement of youth paving the way ahead. Language as a means of expression through narration, music and theatre revealed traditions linked with Russia, Latin America, Romania and Albania.

Regional sailing clubs were activated, organizing symbolic sea contest that took place at the coastal line in Patras port!

Taking into account 21st March being the International Day of Poetry, a combination was achieved i.e. a workshop was dedicated to creative writing (poems) by pupils, emphasizing on exhibits of “Patras Archeological Museum” revealing the meanings of positive inspiration, friendship and hope. A pupil of the school of the St.Stefan prison of Patras sent also a poem of his own. Being a prisoner himself was not allowed to be at the venue but the prison school was represented through the administrators and the poem was recorded (the prisoner pronouncing it). Poems touched the hearts of all and the musical event that followed embraced the whole effort.

All activities were embraced by the Municipality of Patras through a statement of the Mayor, Mr Kostas PELETIDES, emphasizing on the meaning of “No child is foreign” initiative and the need for acting towards respect of human beings.

The whole initiative was linked with the activation of the city in the “Intercultural Cities-ICC” and “ALDA: European Association of Local Democracy” networks as well as with UNITED network and the implementation of “ARRIVAL CITIES” URBACT III European project (Patras being one of the partner-cities, coordinated by the city of Amadora-PT).

Patras promises to continue working together for the benefit of democracy, equality, human rights, solidarity, inclusive society being a trustful partner for all those wishing to act for this regard.

