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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am familiar with approaches of sustainable integrated urban development strategies since my university studies of urban sociology, urban planning and urban regeneration during the 1980s. From 1994 to 1997 I worked as housing sociologist for the Federal State of North-Rhine-Westfalia in a pilot social housing programme which was partly targeted at deprived urban neighbourhoods and included transnational exchange with the Netherlands, Belgium and Denmark. A range of mostly larger cities in North-Rhine-Westfalia together with Berlin and Hamburg were the first regions in Germany, where the approach of integrated urban development for the regeneration of deprived neighbourhoods was developed and implemented during the 1990s by the Federal States as well as by the cities. From 2003 to 2004 I was responsible for the approval of projects within the URBAN II Programme in Luckenwalde / Brandenburg funded by ERDF incl. exchange with other URBAN programmes particularly in Germany and Austria. From 2006 to 2009 I was as resident member of a neighbouhoud board of the neighbourhood management project in Berlin Moabit-West funded by ERDF, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Federal State of Berlin. Form 2009 to 2015 I worked at the ESF Managing Authority in Berlin including coordination with local employment pacts and neighbourhood management in the 12 districts of Berlin.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Since 1997 until now I have been involved as expert, assistant, moderater and manager in five transnational EU projects and a transnational comparative study where partners from a wide range of European cities practiced exchange on topices such as labour market policy, social integration, business promotion, neighbourhood management, housing policy, regeneration, gentrification, integrated urban development, public private partnership, waterfront development and Olympic Games. From 2015 to 2017 I systematically analysed and compared large-scale projects of integrated urban development such as the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park in London, the HafenCity in Hamburg and the Innovation District 22@Barcelona in terms of social aspects such as affordable housing, gentrification and citizens participation, economic and employment effects such as support for startups and skills development as well as aspects of financing and public private partnerships (ppp).In all these activities I organised, managed and contributed to structured analyses, comparisons and exchange against the background of specific circumstances in the involved cities and countries such as legal aspects, traditions, cultural differences etc.. Online research, project visits, expert interviews and peer learning were the most important tools I used in these transnational activities.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am a proficient user of the English language according to level C 1 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (effective operational proficiency or advanced). My written and spoken English is fluent. Having worked for more than 22 years in various international contexts where English is the main working language (see CV), I am used to communicate in English on a daily basis both formally and informally, orally and in writing. I have a long track record of publishing and presenting in policy contexts in English. As a non-native English speaker I am sensitive to the potential problems of non-native English speakers when following conversations in English and I am able to adapt my language accordingly.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Since 1997 until now I have been involved as expert, assistant, moderater and manager in five transnational EU projects and a transnational comparative study where partners from a wide range of European cities had exchange on topices such as labour market policy, social integration, business promotion, neighbourhood management, housing policy, regeneration, gentrification, integrated urban development, public private partnerships, waterfront development, international building exhibitions and Olympic Games. Partly I was the founder and manager of projects and provided comprehensive support to the partners by the preparation and moderation of meetings and project visits in the involved cities as well as the delivery of reports. I have been working as a Thematic Expert within URBACT I for ECO-FIN-NET on SME´s access to finance and comprehensive support. My tasks were to analyse existing documents, results and practice examples of the partner cities and abstract the overall results demonstrating both the common and the different aspects and approaches through a systematic comparison. In all these activities I organised, managed and contributed to structured analyses, comparisons and exchange against the background of specific circumstances in the involved cities and countries such as legal aspects, traditions, cultural differences etc.. Online research, project visits, expert interviews and peer learning were the most important tools I used in these transnational projects.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sub theme: Public private partnerships Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and start-up incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)".
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sub theme: Local employment, skills and social integration pacts Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and start-up incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)".
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sub theme: European Social Fund, Programmes Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and start-up incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)".
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Housing
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Sub theme: Affordable Housing within mixed use estates of housing, working, cultural activities, sport facilities, park and green space etc. Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and start-up incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)".
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and startup incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)". The following themes (and subthemes) represent my key competences in terms of the adressed policy fields: 1) Main theme: Integrated urban renewal (Sub theme: Public private partnerships (ppp)) 2) Main theme: Local governance (Sub theme: Local employment, skills and social integration pacts) 3) Main theme: Local economic development (Sub theme: Promotion of ethnic business) 4) Main theme: Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs (Sub theme: Local and regional startup funding programmes) 5) Main theme: Employment, human capital and labour mobility (Sub theme: European Social Fund 6) Main theme: Sustainable housing (Sub theme: Affordable Housing within mixed use estates of housing, working, cultural activities, sport facilities, park and green space
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Since 1994 I have been working in several jobs as consultant and expert within European strategies and programmes comprising a wide range of policies such as building, housing, regional and urban development, economic promotion, employment, education, migration and social integration. From 2009 to 2015 I have been working as senior policy officer at the managing authority for the Berlin Operational Programme of the European Social Fund (ESF). From 2015 until now I have been working at an implementing body responsible for ESF instruments dedicated to the support of further training of employees in technological fields and startup incubators at universities, both linked with the "Berlin Brandenburg Joint Innovation Strategy (innoBB)". The following themes (and subthemes) represent my key competences in terms of the adressed policy fields: 1) Main theme: Integrated urban renewal (Sub theme: Public private partnerships (ppp)) 2) Main theme: Local governance (Sub theme: Local employment, skills and social integration pacts) 3) Main theme: Local economic development (Sub theme: Promotion of ethnic business) 4) Main theme: Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs (Sub theme: Local and regional startup funding programmes) 5) Main theme: Employment, human capital and labour mobility (Sub theme: European Social Fund 6) Main theme: Sustainable housing (Sub theme: Affordable Housing within mixed use estates of housing, working, cultural activities, sport facilities, park and green space

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
As member of the citizens and associations board of the neighbourhood management project in Berlin Moabit-West and resident of the area between 2006 to 2009 I started an intiative to reach out to the relevant District Berlin-Mitte as well as to the Berlin Senate. The topic of this initiative was a link of neighbourhood management activities with the Publicly Funded Employment Sector for long-term unemployed which was launched by the Senate at that time. The participation of local residents incl. long-term unemployed in this initiative was a key element. I wrote a policy paper on this topic and circulated it after discussions within the citizens board and with the neighbourhood management team among politicians and staff of the District and the Senate. Finally this initiative influenced the relevant policy to a certain extent at local level as well as at regional level.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As head of the approval authority for the URBAN II Programme Luckenwalde / Brandenburg in 2002 to 2003 I designed tools for the monitoring and mid-term evaluation of the programme in close cooperation with the involved Ministry for Urban Affairs of the Land of Brandenburg. Based on the output, results and impact indicators for the projects, priorities and the entire programme strategy as provided in the programming and implementation documents, I refined these, raised the relevant data by using a specific IT tool and assisted the external mid-term evaluation incl. interviews with the involved persons provided by a scientific institution. Based on the raised data and informations I wrote the annual reports of the programme and contributed to the final report on the mid-term evaluation.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
In order to keep me updated on policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development I frequently look at the following websites, read related e-mail-newsletters and join relevant conferences, networking activities etc.: 1) At EU level: - EU URBAN Agenda: - DG Regio: - ERDF: - URBACT: - EUROCITIES: - Committee of the Regions: 2) At national level (Germany): - Bundesministerium "Stadt und Wohnen": - Förderprogramm "Die soziale Stadt": - Deutscher Verband "Bauen und Wohnen":
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
As member of the citizens and associations board of the neighbourhood management project in Berlin Moabit-West and resident of the area between 2006 to 2009 I started an intiative to reach out to the relevant District Berlin-Mitte as well as to the Berlin Senate. The topic of this initiative was a link of neighbourhood management activities with the Publicly Funded Employment Sector for long-term unemployed which was launched by the Senate at that time. The participation of local residents incl. long-term unemployed in this initiative was a key element. I wrote a policy paper on this topic and circulated it after discussions within the citizens board and with the neighbourhood management team among politicians and staff of the District and the Senate. Finally this initiative influenced the relevant policy to a certain extent at local level as well as at regional level. Furthermore I discussed this issue at several international workshops and conferences as well as within the transnational ESF Learning Network "IMPART - Increasing the Participation of Migrants in the Labour Market" from 2009 - 2012.
Summary Expertise: 
1) As head of the approval authority for the URBAN II Programme Luckenwalde / Brandenburg in 2002 to 2003 I designed tools for the monitoring and mid-term evaluation of the programme. Based on the output, result and impact indicators for the projects, priorities and the entire programme strategy as provided in the programming and implementation documents, I refined these, raised the relevant data by using a specific IT tool and assisted the external mid-term evaluation. Based on the raised data and informations I wrote the annual reports of the programme and contributed to the final report on the mid-term evaluation. This helped the City of Luckenwalde to better design future integrated and participatory local policies. 2) As member of the citizens and associations board of the neighbourhood management project in Berlin Moabit-West I started an intiative to reach out to the relevant district Berlin-Mitte as well as to the Berlin Senate. The topic of this initiative was a link of neighbourhood management activities with the publicly funded employment sector for long-term unemployed. The participation of local residents in this initiative was a key element. I wrote a policy paper on this topic and circulated it after discussions within the citizens board and with the neighbourhood management team among politicians and staff of the district and the Senate. Finally this initiative influenced integrated and participatory local and regional policies in Berlin to a certain extent.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise