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CityMobilNet - it’s all about SUMPs!

Edited on

06 December 2016
Read time: 1 minute

CityMobilNet is searching for solutions to develop urban mobility sustainably. Luckily, it does not have to reinvent the wheel: Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs) are the major tool promoted EU-wide in the recent years to tackle well known urban mobility problems such as congestion, air pollution and energy consumption by transport planning. The novelty of SUMPs is in its comprehensive approach embracing all urban policy fields and transport issues alone as well as in placing the focusing on people’s needs. Today, a wide range of guidelines, good practise and research results come along with the new approach. But the major issue at stake is: how to make use of these in the diverse national and local settings?

This challenge to place the SUMP concept in Europe’s diverse local settings is at the heart of CityMobilNet. The questions at stake are: how to develop local mobility in the frame of an existing regional SUMP? How to create an urban mobility strategy from many strong approaches developing transport modes one by one? How to come at once from a zero baseline situation to a complex mobility strategy such as an SUMP? How to deal with strong unswayable transport impacts in large city agglomerations? How to deal with the impact of large seasonal mobility appearances? How to place the SUMP concept in totally new settings such as the outermost regions?

Clearly, the challenges are both, complex and rich. In a series of 7 transnational seminars, CityMobilNet combines the knowledge of recent SUMP development projects with the experiences and capacities of its partners to come up with SUMPs steering mobility development in the coming decade. The seminars follow the line of the EU’s SUMP guidelines, but break it down to the very questions at the heart of its work: to transfer the SUMP concept to diverse settings and challenges successfully.

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