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Urban Innovative Actions: Four Applicants Seminars for the Launch of the Call II

Edited on

27 October 2016
Read time: 1 minute

In order to support and advise applicants intending to apply to the 2nd Call for Proposals, the UIA will hold applicant seminars in Lille, Porto, Budapest and Thessaloniki, between December 2016 and January 2017.

The seminars will be one-day events, where all aspects of the 2nd Call and its application form will be explained to the audience. The UIA team will take this opportunity to clarify all questions related to the applications process and support applicants from all over Europe.

The four seminars will take place on the following dates:
  • 01 December 2016 in Lille, France - register here
  • 07 December 2016 in Porto, Portugal - register here
  • 19 January 2017 in Thessaloniki, Greece
  • 26 January 2017 in Budapest, Hungary
The UIA 2nd Call for Proposals will be launched in November 2016 and will be dedicated to three topics: Urban Mobility, Circular Economy and Integration of Migrants and Refugees.
If you are interested in learning more about the UIA Call 2 and/or intending to apply, you can attend one of our four applicant seminars! Do not forget to check the Events section of the UIA website where registrations will be open for each event.