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Our user case stories

Edited on

02 October 2018
Read time: 1 minute

To use of Social Media to improve urban governance in our cities…
Very nice, but how?

All partners over the last months have developed a user case story, a narrative from the perspective of citizens explaining how social media will help improve the governance of certain municipal services. We held a partner competition for writing the best story and three of these were awarded and will be turned into short animations.

Congratulations to Genova, Murcia and Gent! Look at this animation based on Murcia’s story:

The role of the user case story is to help all stakeholders in the Urbact Local Group to make tangible their aspirations in the Interactive Cities project: how will citizens of the participating cities use social media and digital platforms to improve their life and work quality in the city? Imagination ran wild!

In Genova, young entrepreneurs will use the social media to communicate cultural events to citizens and tourists; an eco-system of applications will be developed to help attract new young and innovative businesses to settle down in Gent; online participatory processes and storytelling will reactivate public spaces in Murcia. But that’s not all… possibilities are infinite! Take a look at all the partner user case stories attached and send us your feedback!

Daniela Patti, Levente Polyak, Simone d’Antonio


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