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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
My educational background is in interior design (German diploma degree) and urban design (M.Sc.). From 2008 to 2010 I worked as a project manager in an architecture firm, focusing on conceptual design, planning and detail planning. From 2010 to 2013 I pursued a Master’s Degree in urban design at the HafenCity University of Hamburg, focusing on multi-stakeholder processes. At the same time, I worked at the Chair of Urban Planning and Regional development at the HafenCity University doing research on metropolitan development. In 2013-2016 I have been working as the co-coordinator of the Fraunhofer Innovation Network “Morgenstadt” focusing on sustainable urban development. Also I have been working as the co-coordinator of the EU-funded Smart Cities and Communities project TRIANGULUM aiming at developing smart solutions for urban districts in Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger with 22 international partners. Furthermore I am the project leader of the cross-sectoral thematic area “District Developments” and have coordinated several district development projects such as the Burlington Innovation District project in Canada where I developed an integrated innovation concept and a strategic roadmap for the sustainable district development in collaboration with local stakeholders. Since August 2016, I have been pursuing my PhD where I aim at examining and developing innovative co-creation processes and strategies to realize sustainable and demand-driven concepts for urban mobility.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Due to my engagement with the Morgenstadt Innovation Network, I have been able to participate in the transnational exchange and learning processes. As the Network is based on international cooperation, the main activities take place in collaboration with international stakeholders and institutions that provide a multilateral scale of reciprocate processes. In particular the already mentioned EU project Triangulum and the development of a smart city replication framework that builds upon exchange and learning processes between lighthouse cities Manchester, Eindhoven and Stavanger and follower cities Prague, Leipzig and Sabadell has been an important learning experience for me. Further it has also given me an opportunity to be the creator and coordinator of transnational exchange and learning activities. In addition, in May 2016 I joined the delegation of the state secretary Mr. Adler from the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) on his official visit to Iran. For me this was a very special experience as I not only had a chance to introduce the projects of the Fraunhofer Society in the field of enhancing urban sustainability to the city administrations of Tehran and Isfahan but also encounter a different culture and thus enhance my skills in the field of intercultural exchange and learning.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
When pursuing my first degree in interior design, I took part in a student exchange program at the Edinburgh College of Arts in the United Kingdom where I studied from September 2005 till March 2006. During this time, I have significantly enhanced my English skills as I was attending classes, writing term papers, doing group projects and holding presentations in English. During my studies at HafenCity University in Hamburg which takes pride of its international environment, I further improved my language skills. Having been awarded the Researcher Scholarship in 2012, I spent 3 months at Chaddik Institute for Metropolitan Development of DePaul University Chicago carrying out a research project and collecting data for my Master thesis, which I wrote in English. During my stay in Chicago I had a chance to further advance my proficiency in English. Since the start of my career at Fraunhofer IAO, I have been communicating in English on a daily basis since the working and communication language within the Morgenstadt Innovation Network as well as the Smart Cities and Communities Project Triangulum is English. I am used to holding presentations and moderating workshops and meetings in English. Moreover, I feel confident about my academic writing skills as the project reports we deliver to our clients are predominantly written in English. With respect to my further doctoral studies I have the opportunity to keep on improving my oral and written capacity in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I acquired expertise in the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities mainly due to my role within the core team of the Smart Cities and Communities project Triangulum. My tasks included activity and communication coordination of the 22 project partners around Europe at the proposal writing stage, grant agreement preparation phase and initial project phase. Furthermore, ever since the start of my career with Fraunhofer IAO I have been closely involved in the coordination of the Fraunhofer Innovation Network Morgenstadt including more than 45 partners from research, cities and industry. I have been coordinating various joint networking, research and development activities at international level. My other projects also involve interaction with business partners from all over the world. In order to facilitate lively and efficient knowledge exchange, my colleagues and I use various discussion techniques to foster openness and dialogue. Design thinking, deep democracy, appreciative inquiry, open space technology, scenario development and World Café methods are the dialogue and workshop techniques that I consider to be most effective in supporting knowledge exchange and joint innovation processes.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
As outlined above, in my career I have had a chance to gather profound experience in the fields of local governance and urban strategic planning with focus on sustainable urban mobility, and local economic development. The most enriching experience for my expertise in the field of urban governance and local economic development has been my involvement with the Smart City Projects of Fraunhofer IAO, particularly Morgenstadt City Labs and the Horizon 2020 SCC1 project Triangulum. There I have had a chance to consult selected cities on governance strategies, citizen engagement and the integration of local businesses into the Smart City Action. Moreover, I have gained expertise in urban strategic planning via my projects in the Competence Team “Urban Systems Engineering” as well as via my involvement with Morgenstadt City Labs where I analysed the interlinkages among multiple urban sectors for the design of action-oriented strategic roadmaps towards sustainable development. In addition, since August 2016 I have been pursuing my PhD on the topic “Co-creation of urban solutions through design of a value model”, where I am focusing on new business models for sustainable urban mobility. Thanks to my involvement with the Triangulum project and the Morgenstadt Innovation Network I keep further improving my reporting skills and have learned to produce concise reports that incorporate learning from exchange and learning activities and put forward good practices. Together with my colleagues, I regularly make new entries (latest news, information about project milestones and short summaries of the research activities) to the Triangulum project blog in order to keep our partners updated and support knowledge exchange. Furthermore, I keep building up my expertise regarding the capitalization of project results: I am actively participating in the development of the Smart City Value Model which will be used as a tool for the development of targeted crowd investing strategies in smart cities and districts.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
As outlined above, in my career I have had a chance to gather profound experience in the fields of local governance, urban strategic planning with focus on sustainable urban mobility, and local economic development. The most enriching experience for my expertise in the field of urban governance and local economic development has been my involvement with the Smart City Projects of Fraunhofer IAO, particularly Morgenstadt City Labs and the Horizon 2020 SCC1 project Triangulum. There I have had a chance to consult selected cities on governance strategies, citizen engagement and the integration of local businesses into the Smart City Action. Moreover, I have gained expertise in urban strategic planning via my projects in the Competence Team “Urban Systems Engineering” as well as via my involvement with Morgenstadt City Labs where I analysed the interlinkages among multiple urban sectors for the design of action-oriented strategic roadmaps towards sustainable development. In addition, since August 2016 I have been pursuing my PhD on the topic “Co-creation of urban solutions through design of a value model”, where I am focusing on new business models for sustainable urban mobility. Thanks to my involvement with the Triangulum project and the Morgenstadt Innovation Network I keep further improving my reporting skills and have learned to produce concise reports that incorporate learning from exchange and learning activities and put forward good practices. Together with my colleagues, I regularly make new entries (latest news, information about project milestones and short summaries of the research activities) to the Triangulum project blog in order to keep our partners updated and support knowledge exchange. Furthermore, I keep building up my expertise regarding the capitalization of project results: I am actively participating in the development of the Smart City Value Model which will be used as a tool for the development of targeted crowd investing strategies in smart cities and districts.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
The Morgenstadt Innovation Network as well as the City Lab projects are based on co-production processes and multi-stakeholder cooperation: innovative solutions arise out of cooperative action of multidisciplinary project partners and are then implemented in the partner cities. Therefore using participatory methods is essential in order to ensure the involvement of all the stakeholders and collective generation of ideas. We use participatory planning approach when designing roadmaps for innovative local solutions in partner cities, meaning that actions are planned and implemented together with the local stakeholders. Furthermore, to support co-creation processes at local level, a Smart City Value Model is currently being developed, tested and evaluated in the framework of the Triangulum project. The Model will complement the existing business models for smart city solutions with a broader view on the solutions’ added value and will be a tool for the development of targeted crowd-invest strategies and invest communities in smart cities and will help cities leverage capital for the implementation of smart urban solutions. Additionally, I am working on enhancing the Morgenstadt Framework by adding the “Participation and Co-Creation” action field in order to collect and evaluate information on the success factors and existing practices in participatory urban development. The criteria include such measures as co-innovation, co-financing, innovative procurement and e-governance.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
The Lighthouse and Follower Cities within the EU Smart Cities and Communities Project Triangulum are committed to generating sustainable economic growth and becoming more attractive places to live while reducing their environmental impacts. The Triangulum project includes a revision of the Smart City strategies of the three Lighthouse cities as well as monitoring and evaluation of the resulting implementation measures. The aim is to create a multi-level framework for impact assessment and monitoring that helps evaluating the work done in each city in order to provide an objective comparison. As the co-coordinator of the project I have been part of the core group planning and designing the evaluation and monitoring process and. The tasks in developing, monitoring and assessment frameworks as well as the actual monitoring include collecting baseline data and establishing links to key municipal stakeholders. When necessary, my task includes the incorporation of third party data providers in order to secure the collection of relevant data in a timely and orderly fashion. Additionally, my tasks include maintaining the Cloud Data Hub, processing and analyzing data in accordance with the common monitoring and assessment frameworks. Furthermore, in the years 4 and 5 of the project I will be assisting with the implementation of long-term monitoring protocols in smart city districts in the Lighthouse Cities.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Staying up to date about sustainable urban development policies, trends and innovations is part of my daily work. In order to discover new funding possibilities for our future projects, I follow closely the developments in the EU funding schemes and calls as well as the opportunities for funding sustainable urban development offered by the German federal government as well as German regional governments. Our international networks that include the Morgenstadt and Triangulum project partner is also an efficient means of sharing and acquiring information on the latest developments in this field. We also work in close cooperation with the European Commission thanks to our many EU-funded projects. Furthermore, I am involved in the development of the Smart City Charta in Germany. Fraunhofer IAO has been commissioned with this task by the German Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development. The aim is to develop a comprehensive urban development policy framework for the digitization of cities (2015-2017) in close cooperation with various policy and other stakeholders in Germany as well as collect best practices in sustainable and smart city policies and developments around Europe.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Within the innovation network “Morgenstadt: City Insights”, we at Fraunhofer IAO have developed the Morgenstadt Model to accelerate and strengthen sustainable development in contemporary cities. The Model is structured into three levels of analysis: performance indicators (quantitative analysis); key action fields (qualitative analysis) and impact factors (qualitative analysis). The first two levels of analysis are generic, meaning that they are to be applied with no variations to the sustainability performance assessment of every city partaking in the City Lab project. The third level of analysis – impact factors – is aimed at identifying drivers and barriers specific of every particular city and conditioned by its unique historic, cultural, economic, climatic, morphological, etc. characteristics. The qualitative data collection lies at the core of the analysis of each Morgenstadt City Lab Project. This data is collected during a 2-week-long on-site assessment phase. So far I have been involved in several City Lab projects as a leader or researcher where I had a great chance to tailor our research framework to various local contexts. During the on-site assessment phase in each city, together with other team members I have conducted interviews with local stakeholders from politics, administration, industry and civil society, as well as have evaluated the core urban infrastructures and best-practice solutions with the aim to gain a best possible understanding of the local realities. Based on this analysis, a range of innovative socio-technical interventions have been suggested and integrated into a strategic roadmap developed for each city together with local stakeholders.
Summary Expertise: 
During my involvement with the several Morgenstadt City Lab projects where I have been involved in as a team leader leader or researcher I have gained a solid experience and expertise related to the support of local authorities and other stakeholders in designing and delivering integrated and participatory policies. I had a very enriching experience of adapting our Morgenstadt Model research framework to different local contexts while conducting interviews with local stakeholders from politics, administration, industry and civil society and going on site visits to evaluate the core urban infrastructures and best-practice solutions. This was done in order to gain a best possible understanding of the local realities and delineate action-oriented strategic roadmaps towards sustainable development tailored to the specific needs of each city.


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise