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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Philippe Kern has more than 25 years’ experience in the fields of creative industries and cultural development in various EU Member States. He is the founder and Managing Director of KEA, a Brussels-based research and advisory company specialised in the field of culture and creative industries (CCIs). Since its creation in 1999, the promotion of culture-based creativity and integrated policies is at the very heart of KEA’s philosophy and work. Philippe has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level. He is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of strategies in the field of urban development, culture and audiovisual policies. He is at the origin of many high profile international projects such as European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA), Creative SpIN (URBACT), KiiCS and Sparks (Art and Science), involving various cities and regions across Europe as “test-bed” for culture-led sustainable policies.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Due to his extensive knowledge and experience matured in the field of CCIs and urban development, Philippe is regularly solicited by local, national and European institutions to intervene as: - Expert in European projects to facilitate knowledge exchange and learning between cities (e.g. Lead Expert Creative SpIN, Head of the expert team in Culture for Cities and Regions projects, Member of the High Level Group Wallonia European Creative District); - Expert in studies/research missions for European and international institutions (Council of Europe, the European Commission, the European Parliament, WIPO) to “map” knowledge and practices and facilitate mutual learning; - Speaker/moderator at European and international conferences (see full list of speaking engagements in the CV). Philippe is also regular contributor to the KEA Newsletter – The Independents’ Voice (, KEA Blog ( KEA social networks stimulating discussion about culture-led development at transnational level: KEA Creative Europe (LinkedIn: 4305 members, Facebook: 3217 members) and KEA Twitter account (1000 followers).
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
At least 95% of the studies and reports published by KEA European Affairs are written in English (see cv). Philippe Kern also writes regular contributions to the KEA Blog, and articles for the KEA Newsletter in English. He lectures at Shenzhen University at the Culture and Creative Institute in English, and has been a moderator and speaker at numerous international conferences, workshops etc. delivering presentations in the English language (see cv).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Philippe and KEA are experienced in advising international projects and conducting complex research assignments. KEA's strength lies in our ability to design and accompany transnational exchange and learning sessions, synthesize main outcomes, and present them in a user-friendly way. Philippe has advised a wide range of public bodies (EU, national and local authorities) and organisations from the cultural and creative sectors to enable exchange of knowledge and practices. We are experienced in identifying exemplary case studies and extracting policy implications from technical documents as well as field experience. Here a few examples illustrating such expertise: - Completion of concept/strategy papers, mappings, etc. as inputs to project or policy development at both local and European level; - Production of various kinds of documents (site visit reports, case studies reports, factsheets, catalogue of policy practices, workshop reports, etc.) to capture knowledge and experience exchanged at transnational working sessions; - Presentations of research works/learning outcomes to both technical and non-technical audiences mostly including non-English speakers, in Europe and beyond (notably China); - At least 90% of KEA studies incorporate good practices and policy messages for local, regional or European authorities.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Arts and Culture
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Philippe Kern has 25 years’ experience in the world of cultural policies, CCIs and public relations. He is a specialist in culture based innovation policies and urban integrated planning. Philippe has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level. He is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of policy strategies in urban development, culture and audiovisual fields. Kern set up IMPALA in 2000 and the China Europe Culture and Creative Industry Alliance (CECCIA) in 2013. He graduated in law from the universities of Strasbourg and Paris and the College of Europe in Bruges. Kern is expert for the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of Europe and WIPO. He is a member of the High Level Group Wallonia European Creative District and of the Advisory Committee on the Internationalization of Shenzhen. Philippe has a deep expertise in designing and managing pan-European networks and organisations as well as in developing and implementing communication and dissemination strategies to capitalise on projects’ results. He is at the origin of many high profile international projects such as European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA), Creative SpIN (URBACT), KiiCS and Sparks (Art and Science). KEA has been active in China since 2008. It organized with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce the first ever European trade mission of creative enterprises.
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Philippe Kern has 25 years’ experience working for culture and creative businesses as lawyer for a music and film company, as secretary general of an international association representing SME’s in the music business (Impala: Philippe has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level. He is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of strategies in the field of urban development, culture and audiovisual policies. Kern is expert on the High Level Group Wallonia European Creative District and of the Advisory Committee on the Internationalization of Shenzhen. Philippe Kern is advising SMEs on access to EU funding programmes such as Creative Europe. - As expert Philippe Kern has advised numerous public bodies on eco-systems to support the development of creative SMEs. For instance Lille, Wallonia, Shenzhen) - Philippe Kern is writing major research projects related to the subject of creative entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs such as: - Creative Value Chains for the European Commission : This study aims at better understanding how value is captured and distributed along the value chains of the different cultural and creative sectors, from the creation to the commercialisation of goods and services. KEA will also measure how SMEs are adapting to the digital revolution - Recently Philippe Kern has been looking at business model to support the development of Living Labs involving essentially SMEs in Health and Gastronomy (CETIC - - Impact Assessment of Mons 2015 European Capital of Culture. Philippe Kern and his team is carrying out a longitudinal impact assessment study on Mons European Capital of Culture 2015. KEA is assessing the economic, social and cultural impacts of the event from 2012 to 2016. The city made a 60 million euro investment to foster new economic dynamism aiming to develop a rich cultural offer and its capacity to nurture innovation and entrepreneurship through creativity. - European Commission – series of 3 policy papers for DG Grow - Business Innovation Support Services for Creative Industries. The studies include an in-depth analysis of “creative eco-systems” and advice on the measures to achieve the improvement of the innovation capability and investment readiness of creative SMEs. - Study on the Analysis of the Financing Needs, Best practices and opportunities for the creative sector in Europe, ECCE Innovation (Nantes). Analysis of financing opportunities for the creative sectors in France, Netherlands, Germany, the UK, Spain as well as at the EU level. Provides a mapping of existing instruments for creative businesses (SME’s) such as venture capital, debt finance. - Study “Towards a Benchmarking Raster: Indicators to measure the impact of policy measures to support the development of culture and creative industries” (Crea.RE) KEA has been commissioned to undertake a study that identifies good practices of public support projects for cultural and creative industries (CCIs) – thus support for CCI SME’s. The report produces a benchmarking matrix proposing indicators that may be used to develop and assess similar support initiatives in European mid-sized cities and regions. The aim is to help local public authorities develop adequate local/regional policies in this field and make a better use of EU structural funds. - Philippe Kern is also technical advisor and consortium partner in major EU-funded international projects: - CREATIVE TRACKS (2015-2017), a project funded under the Creative Europe programme of the EU with a budget of 1 million Euros aimed at connecting young creative professionals (SME’s) worldwide to enourage creative entrepreneurship in fashion, media, ICT, music, animation, design. - Creative SpIN Philippe Kern was Lead Expert of the URBACT project Creative SPiN (Creative Spillovers for Innovation) led by Birmingham. This project aimed at stimulating cross-overs between creative SME’s and other industry sectors and how they contribute to the innovation process in each partnering city. Smart Guide on Creative Spill-overs by Philippe Kern:
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Philippe Kern has 25 years’ experience in the world of cultural policies, CCIs and public relations. He is a specialist in culture based innovation policies and urban integrated planning. Philippe has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level. He is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of policy strategies in urban development, culture and audiovisual fields. Kern set up IMPALA in 2000 and the China Europe Culture and Creative Industry Alliance (CECCIA) in 2013. He graduated in law from the universities of Strasbourg and Paris and the College of Europe in Bruges. Kern is expert for the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of Europe and WIPO. He is a member of the High Level Group Wallonia European Creative District and of the Advisory Committee on the Internationalization of Shenzhen. Philippe has a deep expertise in designing and managing pan-European networks and organisations as well as in developing and implementing communication and dissemination strategies to capitalise on projects’ results. He is at the origin of many high profile international projects such as European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA), Creative SpIN (URBACT), KiiCS and Sparks (Art and Science). KEA has been active in China since 2008. It organized with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce the first ever European trade mission of creative enterprises. He is an established speaker at international conferences, managing seminars and workshops
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Philippe Kern has 25 years’ experience in the world of cultural policies, CCIs and public relations. He is a specialist in culture based innovation policies and urban integrated planning. Philippe has led a range of research and strategy programs at European level. He is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of policy strategies in urban development, culture and audiovisual fields. Kern set up IMPALA in 2000 and the China Europe Culture and Creative Industry Alliance (CECCIA) in 2013. He graduated in law from the universities of Strasbourg and Paris and the College of Europe in Bruges. Kern is expert for the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of Europe and WIPO. He is a member of the High Level Group Wallonia European Creative District and of the Advisory Committee on the Internationalization of Shenzhen. Philippe has a deep expertise in designing and managing pan-European networks and organisations as well as in developing and implementing communication and dissemination strategies to capitalise on projects’ results. He is at the origin of many high profile international projects such as European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA), Creative SpIN (URBACT), KiiCS and Sparks (Art and Science). KEA has been active in China since 2008. It organized with the Chinese Ministry of Commerce the first ever European trade mission of creative enterprises. He is an established speaker at international conferences, managing seminars and workshops.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
Philippe manages international environments well, providing outstanding empowering and mediation skills. Here some examples of tools and methods used to co-produce and implement local policies in different settings: - Creative SpIN: as Lead Expert of the project, Philippe contributed to the design and animation of various working sessions based on innovative formats (Problem tree analysis, Creative thinking, etc.) to help partners produce their LAPs. Small working sessions were organised in cooperation with the Lead Partner to give voice to reticent partners and encourage them to engage and deliver. Precise guidelines were also provided to help partners identify their objectives (in line with EU policies), identify and mobilise key stakeholders, as well as to disseminate the LAP to build consensus. - Living Labs (2015-2017): as Project Manager and Head of the Expert Team, Philippe will undertake the following tasks: 1) Mapping and analysis of the needs of Walloon living labs; 2) Action plan and methodology to provide hands-on support to living labs; 3) Desk research on the above topics and interviews with successful living labs to understand their business models; 4) Implementation of the methodology to support the development of LL (with workshops using co-design methods with relevant stakeholders on: communication, IP management, sustainable business models, etc.); 5) Formalise the lessons learnt and deliver a toolbox for the development of future LL in Wallonia.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
Philippe is currently directing the Study on the “Assessment of the economic, social and cultural impacts of Mons, European Capital of Culture 2015” (Belgium) on behalf of the Foundation Mons 2015. The study includes: - The mapping and analysis of the socio-economic impact of the event, as well as the analysis of the event’s impact on the image and attractiveness of the city, and of the event’s ability to stimulate and generate creative spill-overs. - The assessment of the sustainability of the investment in the long term impact. - Provision of recommendations to build on the results of ECOC and design long term integrated policy strategies that capitalise on the potential of culture to drive socio-economic development and innovation. - Development of a toolkit including indicators and guidelines to monitor the sustainability of the event after 2015.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Launched in September 2000, KEA’s monthly monitoring report is designed to keep subscribers up-to-date with the latest political and regulatory developments (at national, Community, and international level) and calls for proposals relevant to the culture, audiovisual, media, language and sport sectors. Under the supervision of Philippe Kern, the KEA team follows and gathers intelligence on European policies of strategic interest for various clients and regularly sends updates to it’s the monitoring’s subscribers as well as to its network of cities and regions on relevant funding opportunities promoting integrated urban/regional development strategies. It pro-actively suggests research areas and project ideas to eligible benefeciaries, under different funding schemes (URBACT, INTERREG, Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, COSME, etc.). KEA has expertise in project development, writing of proposals, consortium building and project management. KEA has a rich database of sources to monitor EU and national policies, call for tenders and calls for proposals in the above mentioned areas. City-relevant sources of information include newsletters and websites of ERDF-supported initiatives and programmes (URBACT, Urban Innovative actions, INTERREG Europe, etc.), DG REGIO website and related social media pages and accounts.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
As explained above, Philippe has proven ability and experience in adapting methods and tools to various contexts. Some more details on the work that he is currently performing in the project “Culture for Cities and Regions”, will serve as an example. As project’s expert, Philippe will lead coaching sessions in various cities, moderate discussions and contribute to brainstorming sessions in its specific field of expertise: culture based innovation and local/regional development. He has identified four main critical issues to be explored: o What needs to change – where are the gaps and problems? o What are the strengths the city or region can build on? o What are the key goals to aim for? o What practical steps or actions will help the city / region to reach these goals? Philippe will share experience and offer independent support and reflection to the city or region willing to raise standards and carry out changes. He will act as ‘critical friend’ and will ensure that new ideas emerge through a positive dialogue. He will suggest topics and related challenges that the cities may want to consider based on his own understanding of the local situation.
Summary Expertise: 
Philippe is advising numerous public and private bodies on the formulation of strategies in the field of urban development and culture policies. He is experienced in designing tools and methods to co-produce and implement local policies in different settings (e.g. Problem tree analysis; Creative thinking; co-design methods to help living labs reach their innovation goals, etc.) as well as monitor the development of integrated sustainable policies (e.g. design of indicators and toolkit to monitor the sustainability of Mons – European Capital of Culture 2015 after 2015). Philippe and his team have an in-depth knowledge of funding opportunities in the areas of culture, audiovisual, sports and urban development. Since 2000, KEA has been running a monitoring service that gathers intelligence on European policies of strategic interest for various clients. Under the supervision of Philippe, the KEA team regularly sends updates to the monitoring’s subscribers as well as to its network of cities and regions on relevant policies and funding opportunities. It pro-actively suggests research areas and project ideas to eligible benefeciaries, under different funding schemes (URBACT, INTERREG, Creative Europe, Horizon 2020, COSME, etc.). Philippe is at the origin of many high profile international projects such as European Creative Industry Alliance (ECIA), Creative SpIN (URBACT), KiiCS and Sparks (Art and Science), co-designed in close cooperation with the Lead Partners.


Residence location:
French - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise