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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Educational:(i) P.hd in local labour markets and impact of national employment policies; Professional: (i)Valleys Development Officer,West Glamorgan County Council-responsible for supporting local economic development in communities impacted by closure of mines and steel works. (ii)Head of Youth and Community Development, Avon County Council. This involved integrating youth , sports, arts and equal opprtrunities into local integrated community development strategies. (iii)Chair of Economic and Community Development, Bristol City Council. This was an elected position and I was responsible for the implementation and monitoring of several programmes including URBAN I programme in a deprived multi cultural community (iv) Head of Community services and Equalities, London Borough of Southwark. Responsible for supporting involvement of community organisations within the Council’s regeneration programmes. (v) Head of Equalities, Birmingham City Council. This was chief officer postion and in this capacity I was involved as lead officer in the development and implementation of a Local Involvement and Local Action programme that was rolled out across the city. (vi Head of Social and Economic Renewal, City of Amsterdam(Zuidoost). Responsible for an URBAN I programme and also for the implementation of the national big city programe at local level. (vii) Director of Local Urban Development European Network(LUDEN-previously known as Quartiers en Crise.).
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have been involved in transnational projects for over 25 years. I was lead expert for the UDIEX-ALEP and MILE URBACT networks. In addition I was also an ad-hoc expert within WEED , ROMA-NET(First phase) and ACTIVE AGE Urbact networks. In addition I have been involved in over 20 EU projects which have all focused on local development issues and within which I have acted as a moderator, facilitator, and presenter. I have a professional background in teaching and training which has involved working in schools, adult education and vocational training institutions.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have B.Ed, Msc. Econ and P.hd all awarded by UK universities. In addition I have written several reports for projects (including URBACT networks, UDIEX-ALEP and MILE) in english. English is my mother tongue. I am experienced in communicating in both written and spoken English with partners from varied cultural and linguistic backgrounds. . I am a regular speaker and facilitator at seminars and conferences and have featured on UK, and Dutch TV and radio programmes

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been designing and supporting transnational learning activities for the last 20 years, as a project manager, and thematic expert . I always work collaboratively to create a working culture where all partners can contribute and learn effectively, whatever their previous experience and however challenging for them to operate in a second language. I am an experienced facilitator and use many methods to stimulate lively discussion and exchange of views. I have considerable experience in spotting and managing problems within partnerships, including inter-personal conflicts and communication difficulties between partners, and have prevented conflicts from escalating and successfully mediated between partners in more than one project. I use a variety of methods to support learning within transnational partnerships, including facilitating learning sessions and preparing background papers which highlight the evidence, issues and key points for discussion. I am an experienced transnational project evaluator (I have led evaluations of more than 10 transnational projects in the last 15 years) and so am highly skilled at capturing the lessons learned and developing recommendations and policy messages from transnational projects for partner organisations and external audiences.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have over 25 years’ experience working within integrated urban renewal- working within local government, as Director of LUDEN and as also as thematic expert. I have an MSc (Econ ) in Management studies and a Ph.D. in local economic development . I have a strong knowledge of best practice from around Europe and also wider afield and my role as a Director of LUDEN is to help our members think outside the box and to come up with creative and pragmatic actions. I am an established expert in active inclusion of disadvantaged and excluded groups, with particular expertise in the labour market inclusion and economic development within the EU. I have advised and supported transnational projects aimed at inclusion of migrant populations on many projects, including as a lead expert on labour market inclusion of migrant populations on the MILE URBACT project and also UDIEX –ALEP.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Please see the information already provided as it addresses both the theme of local economic development and the theme of active inclusion of target groups

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I worked for over 16 years in local government .I have worked in in 4 UK local authorities (Bristol, Avon County, London Borough of Southwark and Birmingham) and Amsterdam all in a capacity that has involved working with a cross section of practitioners in addressing urban development issues in an integrated way. In addition for the past 12 years I have been Director of the Local Urban Development European Network. This has meant working in and leading cross departmental projects bringing together the local authority with community activists, researchers and residents. As such I had an important role in designing and delivering participatory methods and tools to facilitate joint working on projects and also to engender meaningful community participation in defining priorities, project planning, design and implementation. A strong focus was bringing new voices into the co-production of local policies and a myriad of regeneration projects such as developing local plans, park regeneration, implementing temporary uses, and housing developments. In practical terms I identified and brought together all relevant local players into a local partnership group comprising Councillors, council officers, community organisations, businesses, statutory agencies and local residents. I facilitated a series of meetings of this partnership group to generate ideas and to link these to existing policies and programmes in order to add value and to generate , where possible, match funding.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
It is crucial that whenever possible monitoring and evaluation processes are built in from the inception of projects. I have worked on many publicly funded schemes where it is essential to monitor the value added of public money and quality of processes and outcomes. I am familiar with a range of innovative evaluation methodologies such as Difference in Differences, Randomized Control Trials and results based accountability. It is also important to ensure that alongside impact or outcome evaluation there is process evaluation. I have knowledge and experience of using a range of research, evaluation and monitoring methodologies to collect both qualitative and quantitative data involving processes such as facilitating focus groups, implementing action learning processes, creative documentation, surveys and questionnaires, participatory appraisal and peer evaluation. Essential to any monitoring and evaluation is the collection of baseline data through synthesising existing data and reports, surveys, interviews, creating photographic/film records etc. I also have experience of designing key performance indicators and monitoring systems for local area action plans, so that progress and impacts could be tracked and measured with the involvement of local residents.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Being based mostly in Brussels enables me to keep very much abreast of EU developments . I have taken part as an expert in the recent workshops convened by the EC in the development of the EU Urban Agenda. I have contributed to this process very actively and have written a paper which has been welcomed by the members of the unit in DG Regional and Urban Policy who are responsible for this work. I have also circulated this to the EP intergroup on Urban Policy and have been asked to present this at a future meeting of the group. AS such I am aware of the funding that is available through EU funds such as ESF,ESF and EAFRD. More specifically , I also aware of possibilities of funding through Horizon and Life programmes.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
From 2004 to 2015 I have worked with over 75 cities across the EU to support them in developing a variety of local plans that seek to link the EU dimension with local and national realities. For example, I worked with 12 cities in supporting their work to develop Local Action Plans for social inclusion in the context of the National Action Plan Against Poverty and Social Exclusion developed by each Member State. My role here was as a project manager and thematic expert on social inclusion of disadvantaged groups. I supported the partners with briefing papers which included international examples of good practice in social inclusion interventions, and to support each partner individually to develop their local or regional action plan within the overall context of their National Action Plan. This meant supporting cities, individually and through thematic network meetings, to develop local strategies for implementation of measures to combat poverty and social inclusion, within the overarching objectives, timetables and budgets for the national strategy; identifying appropriate indicators for monitoring and evaluation and selecting those most relevant to the local or regional context; identifying relevant funding programmes and priorities; and preparing and sharing templates for developing proposals drawing on good practice adapted to meet local priorities.
Summary Expertise: 
I have worked extensively to support the design and delivery of urban development strategies and projects by local authorities and other stakeholders in more than 14 Member States. I worked for over 16 years in local government .I have worked in in 4 UK local authorities (Bristol, Avon County, London Borough of Southwark and Birmingham) and Amsterdam all in a capacity that has involved working with a cross section of practitioners in addressing urban development issues in an integrated way. In addition for the past 12 years I have been Director of the Local Urban Development European Network. This has meant working in and leading cross departmental projects bringing together the local authority with community activists, researchers and residents. Throughout my career, I have been involved in bringing new innovative ideas and practice into the mainstream and sharing practice from around Europe and wider afield with policy makers, communities, and civil servants etc. to help people think outside of the box. Through working closely with those on the ground and creating an inclusive process, tools and content can be scrutinised, tested and then rejected as inappropriate or adapted to fit the local context.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise