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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am an expert regarding the management and supervision of municipal entities or /and local institutions funding into leisure, environment and culture interventions (‘local strategies’ by the LEADER approach). As well as expert regarding the implementation / evaluation of projects regarding the penetration of RES and the rational use of energy in the residential sector (Life 2000: ecolabeling in hotels by energy efficiency, Altener 2001: “biomass heating in large building”, EEA-grants 2009 – 2014: communities integration & OPSD 2007-2013: “green roofs in state buildings”). In addition I was head of the Administration of the National Park of Kerkini wetland (2009 – 2013) where the ‘local governance’ of actors (state institutions, municipalities, practitioners, etc) enforced by a territorial platform of transboundary coorperation (management of environmental issues). My education, postgraduate degree in “energy management systems and the protection of the environment” (Technical University of Athens - Piraeus University) and my vocational training (energy: ISO/EN 50001:2011, bodies certification: ELOT/EN 17021:2006, IT environmental policy and “corporation aggregates”) concern the improvement of my social and professional competences.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
In the framework of European programmes (ALTENER, LIFE, ETC) or Operational Programmes (OP) funded by ESIF, I have participated in the organization of awareness – learning actions (seminars, round table meetings, workshops) that contributed to specific Community transnational targets (e.g. “cities contribution onto the Campaign for Take-off of RES”, 2000) or Community thematic topics (adult learning, environmental awareness, 2013). Indicative activities: a. Organization of the workshop - technical meeting: ALTENER “Energy from Waste” (1998 – 2000), organised by CRES (Gr), SUC (Dk), O.A. and REC of Crete (Gr). Available:[ (14-07-2015) b. Environmental education & public awareness actions: ‘Management and Operation of the protected area of Lake Kerkini’ project of OP of Macedonia - Thrace 2007 – 2013. More and less they were carried out focused on transnational cooperation (Bg, Mk). Available in (14-07-2015) c. Production of awareness material: WORES project (vocational learning of female engineers, 2002, Cluster 4.1030/C/00/029). Edition: Renewable Energy Sources in Settlements (2002). An ALTENER Programme - Contributors: CRES & EDEM 2002 Athens, Greece. Available: (14-07-2015)
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have worked in several EU transnational projects that English was always the official language. In addition, I have participated in many intergovernmental working groups (European Commission, FAO) or international Conferences/Congress regarding RES, bioenergy, biodiversity, and environmentally protected areas (wetlands). Finally I am author of many publications and peer reviewed editions in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Artemios Chatziathanasiou’ s local governance expertise comes mainly from two areas. In one case he has worked (2012 – now) as supervisor of the “local development strategies” that carried out in the framework of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2007 – 2013. Especially he has monitored the implementation of the LEADER Program Approach (Special Authority of RDP) among local action groups. As well he participates in the planning of the forthcoming Community Led – Local Development (CLLD), national operational programme 2014 - 2020. In the other case, his local governance experience comes from his involvement by the post of the chairman of the Administrative Board (2009 – 2013) of the Management Authority of the National Park of the Kerkini Lake. The board band coorperation and the awareness actions are enforced from the “Management Plan” of the National Park (ERDF co-funded) encouraged trans–bordering actions (relative environmental bodies in Bulgaria & FYROMacedonia). Other Artemios Chatziathanasiou’ s supplementary work is the actors and stakeholder’s involvement as well theirs perception (by a methological way, “European Awareness Scenario Workshop”) concerning the penetration of a renewable technology as a viable priority at local level.
Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Artemios Chatziathanasiou has participated in the implementation of project regarding the penetration of RES and the rational use of energy in European Community projects (Life: energy efficiency - ecolabing scheme & ALTENER’s: penetration of RES in settlements embodying the Local Agenda 21 in cities) more than ten years. As well as, he has been appointed / certified evaluator on RES applications in housing (2014 - 2015) or integrated actions in local communities (e.g. ‘Green roof on state buildings”, Operational Programme ESD 2007 - 2013). Finally, he has represented / involved in many working groups (European Commission, 20-20-20 Committee: Directive 2009/28/EC) concerning the RES & biofuels policy.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
a. In point C.3.2 (a) it is presented the Andignet project (2000 – 2001). The preparatory work (survey, selection of the targets groups) and the issues’ outline were completed in the “European Awareness Scenario Workshop” EASW (a tool had been produced by DG enterprises to mitigate conflict/ interests). It took place in Athens (2001) and it’s methodology (round-tables, ranking, voting, etc) and the produced conclusions are described in the summarized report as follow: Artemios Chatziathanasiou was member of the organization committee and co-author of the promotion material. b. In point D.1 “3. Local governance” – (b) it is presented that Artemios Chatziathanasiou was chairman of the National Park of Kerkini (2009 – 2013). The participatory policy was the “policy of inclusion” (taking into account the global protection regime of the Park: Ramsar & Nature 2000). The Administration Body’s meetings / decisions, the yearly planning and reviews, the projects actions/ funding, all of them were ‘open door’ to the local society (press release, open Boards, creation of corporates). Many references (webs, media) present all these trials, indicative:
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
a. As described in C.3.2 (b), the WORES (Cluster 4.1030/C/00/029) was a vocational learning project that its design and monitoring (2000 – 2002) aimed at the penetration of RES applications in residential sector in order to embody the Local Agenda 21 in cities. Artemios Chatziathanasiou involved as author and trainer in the project and participated in an edition: Renewable Energy Sources in Settlements (2002). An ALTENER Programme publication with the support of the European Commission, DG TREN in the framework of the WORES project (Cluster 4.1030/C/00/029). Contributors CRES, EDEM, first publication September 2002, CRES, Athens, Greece. Available: (14-07-2015) b. As described in C.3.2 (b), one of purposes of the BIOHEAT project (AL/2000-167) was the guide / provision of local authorities policy makers with all technical information as well as the outline of no technical barriers (legislation, society) in order to “.. take off … the sustainable energy in large state buildings …”. Artemios Chatziathanasiou involved as author in edition: Local Authorities Guide Lines – Biomass Applications on Large Building and Blocks Heating (2003). An ALTENER Programme publication with the support of the European Commission, DG TREN in the framework of the BIOHEAT project (AL/2000-167). CRES, Athens, Greece. Available: (in Greeks)
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
Urban – rural linkages: During the implementation of a “local development strategies” (LEADER approach) many changes have taken place in order to facilitate the local group of action to be sufficient and practical flexible. The supervisor of the local programme, as Artemios Chatziathanasiou being (2012 – 2015), has to check the aspects of these changes. Many times the check focuses on specific Actions (L 321, L323) where the municipal entities and institutions are domain. In these cases any modification/ adjusts e.g. of the financing templates demands the assessment and check of potential synergies. This concerns the Operational Programmes of Municipalities or the annual action plans of various municipal entities (culture non - profit enterprises).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In the aforementioned points: C.3.2 (a), D.1 (b) and D.3 (a + b) “local governance” expertise answers to the requirements of this criterion. Especially, during Chatziathanasiou Artemios’ tenure in the Administration Board (2009 – 2013) of the National Park of Kerkini, a lot of aspects concerning transboundary environmental issues have been enforced (river management, solid waste transfer, ecotourism actions). All of these were dealt under the conduction of a territorial platform (initiatives such as the “Green Belt” approach) in order to take off. More information about:


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise