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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have a Masters and a Post Grad from the main Barcelona School of Architecture and Urbanism, both directly concerning strategies for developing and promoting cities, as well as best practice in Urban Planning. I have published academically and professionally on urban development issues. E.g.: 'Getting Hooked – Becoming an Event City', on the use of Event Strategies for Promoting and Developing Non-Capital or Peripheral Cities’, International Planning and History Studies Society 2004 – OPENCities Final Report, 2011, explaining this URBACT network’s findings on sustainable strategies to city economic development – based on complementarities of migrant inclusion and international attractiveness to investors, companies – i.e. strategies to attract international HR, FDI, global branding etc. are unsustainable in cities unable to successful manage their own diversity I regularly attend specialised conferences and events on Sustainable Urban Development throughout Europe, and stay abreast of related EU policy, e.g. on Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) and Community-Led Local Development (CLLD)
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have years of experience participating in, designing, implementing and evaluating transnational exchange and learning. Some examples: As Lead Expert for JobTown, 2012-15, I developed and led a Knowledge Transfer approach to organizational learning across the URBACT network, designed to embed individual learning from Transnational Workshops into the organisations participants belonged to. As external evaluator for e-Learning 4 e-Inclusion, 2002-4, I evaluated transnational learning and exchange activities and platforms (digital and non-digital), across an extensive range of stakeholders including American academics and Spanish Roma. As Thematic Coordinator for the REALISE project, 2011-13, I developed and led an iterative transnational peer exchange and action learning process, designed to produce and implement action plans in each partner organization. I have assisted the EU’s Eastern Partnership Youth Regional Unit in conducting exchange and learning activities; through Workshops I led, in Belarus and Azerbaijan. I have given workshops for SALTO-Youth – aimed at youth workers and involving formal and non-formal learning approaches – and Erasmus+ – for staff of their national agencies. As a university instructor I have designed, implemented and evaluated the learning of students from all over the world. I have training in pedagogical techniques and participated in many workshops on learning and exchange.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am a native speaker of English with an advanced level of education. I have extensive experience in: Public speaking – both through my work, and participation in Toastmasters and an improv theater group – e.g. me chairing a policy panel in Brussels: Professional writing – reports, publications, posters and communication materials – e.g. See the recent set of 5 JobTown Learning Modules and the Final Publication, which I produced as lead Expert, on the URBACT website, or here: Creative writing – e.g. literary translation into English from other languages

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have extensive experience in URBACT and several other EU programmes – as well as through teaching university – designing, implementing and evaluating formal and non-formal learning methods and tools. I have led numerous transnational projects, and participated in many more; working with all sorts of actors from civil society, politics, public administrations, the private sector, religious and ethnic minorities, and so forth – from all over Europe and farther afield. I am an experienced and flexible communicator, used to working with diverse groups and audiences, in formal and informal settings, as a public speaker, moderator or trainer.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive experience (see CV) supporting specialised learning through transnational exchange and/or local partnership on city issues – regeneration, strategic planning and governance – and inclusion and labour market issues – local employment policy, skill demand and supply, and inclusion measures for at risk groups. I focus on working with participants to co-create exchange and learning activities in terms of their real needs and priorities – What are their goals? What interests them? What would be really useful to them? I have a long track record of producing clear and accessible reports, documentation, blogs, video etc., with actionable information on policy and practice – geared for their respective audiences (policy makers, practitioners, general public, press etc.). As a seasoned URBACT Lead Expert, I know to use a project as a vehicle for procuring practical impact on policy design and participants’ local circumstances – during and after the project – and as a means to obtain buy in from key local actors, raising awareness amongst those whose support is needed.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive experience (see CV) supporting specialised learning through transnational exchange and/or local partnership on city issues – regeneration, strategic planning and governance – and inclusion and labour market issues – local employment policy, skill demand and supply, and inclusion measures for at risk groups. I focus on working with participants to co-create exchange and learning activities in terms of their real needs and priorities – What are their goals? What interests them? What would be really useful to them? I have a long track record of producing clear and accessible reports, documentation, blogs, video etc., with actionable information on policy and practice – geared for their respective audiences (policy makers, practitioners, general public, press etc.). As a seasoned URBACT Lead Expert, I know to use a project as a vehicle for procuring practical impact on policy design and participants’ local circumstances – during and after the project – and as a means to obtain buy in from key local actors, raising awareness amongst those whose support is needed.
Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive experience (see CV) supporting specialised learning through transnational exchange and/or local partnership on city issues – regeneration, strategic planning and governance – and inclusion and labour market issues – local employment policy, skill demand and supply, and inclusion measures for at risk groups. I focus on working with participants to co-create exchange and learning activities in terms of their real needs and priorities – What are their goals? What interests them? What would be really useful to them? I have a long track record of producing clear and accessible reports, documentation, blogs, video etc., with actionable information on policy and practice – geared for their respective audiences (policy makers, practitioners, general public, press etc.). As a seasoned URBACT Lead Expert, I know to use a project as a vehicle for procuring practical impact on policy design and participants’ local circumstances – during and after the project – and as a means to obtain buy in from key local actors, raising awareness amongst those whose support is needed.
Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive experience (see CV) supporting specialised learning through transnational exchange and/or local partnership on city issues – regeneration, strategic planning and governance – and inclusion and labour market issues – local employment policy, skill demand and supply, and inclusion measures for at risk groups. I focus on working with participants to co-create exchange and learning activities in terms of their real needs and priorities – What are their goals? What interests them? What would be really useful to them? I have a long track record of producing clear and accessible reports, documentation, blogs, video etc., with actionable information on policy and practice – geared for their respective audiences (policy makers, practitioners, general public, press etc.). As a seasoned URBACT Lead Expert, I know to use a project as a vehicle for procuring practical impact on policy design and participants’ local circumstances – during and after the project – and as a means to obtain buy in from key local actors, raising awareness amongst those whose support is needed.
Theme / Policy: 
Active Inclusion of Target Groups
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have extensive experience (see CV) supporting specialised learning through transnational exchange and/or local partnership on city issues – regeneration, strategic planning and governance – and inclusion and labour market issues – local employment policy, skill demand and supply, and inclusion measures for at risk groups. I focus on working with participants to co-create exchange and learning activities in terms of their real needs and priorities – What are their goals? What interests them? What would be really useful to them? I have a long track record of producing clear and accessible reports, documentation, blogs, video etc., with actionable information on policy and practice – geared for their respective audiences (policy makers, practitioners, general public, press etc.). As a seasoned URBACT Lead Expert, I know to use a project as a vehicle for procuring practical impact on policy design and participants’ local circumstances – during and after the project – and as a means to obtain buy in from key local actors, raising awareness amongst those whose support is needed.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
In REALISE I led the establishment of a series of Panels of Local key Stakeholders, which co-produced Pilot Interventions followed by long-term strategies agreed amongst the PLS members In OPENCities & JobTown I supported the set up of ULSGs that drove co-produced LAPs In JobTown I contributed to the contents of the Online Mutual Learning Helpdesk – a tool supporting participatory transnational partner interaction (coordinators, ULSG members etc.) in support of the production of their LAPs & their work throughout the project. In each locality I provided tailored support to their participation & co-production processes: in Latsia I visited personally & coached the ULSG through an agreement of their LAP & definitions of their achievements, building stakeholder support for the municipality & its plan. In Nagykálló I visited & took part in a town hall meeting with the public to present, debate & agree the direction of the LAP & more generally the policies around it. In Avilés I participated in a meeting chaired by the mayor with representatives of every elected party in the Council to agree a common front of support for the LAP & its goals, likewise with groups of representatives from local business & local youth groups, presenting the project, its goals & eliciting their support & contribution In the final Workshop on Social Innovation, we presented a range of tools & practices for co-production & innovative approaches to participation
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
In JobTown we defined the local labour markets the partners worked on in terms of Functional Territory and their Labour Market – e.g. Bassin d’emploi of Rennes Métropole or the Functional Economic Area around Enfield. The JobTown agenda defined Functional Urban Areas as key engines of the economy & employment, but also areas where major structural problems were concentrated needing to be overcome to make these cities more resilient, developing smart sustainable growth strategies based on interwoven economic, social, education & demographic policies – addressed holistically, i.e. through an Integrated Approach, as reflected in the ULSG composition & LAP objectives. This required strong partnerships involving local citizens, civil society, the local economy & the different levels of government. To support this I led the use of the OECD’s ‘LEED checklist for evaluating effective partnerships’ and the OECD guidelines for evaluating local partnerships for employment & economic development. In OPENCites I supported the partners in working with the OPENCities Monitor – a specialized monitoring tool, which integrated a complex array of indicators to evaluate city performance in interrelated policy areas & produce relevant recommendations.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I am Brussels-based with my office in the middle of the European Quarter; my day-to-day life is made up of following European affairs. I closely follow policy debate and regularly attend specialised conferences, organised by the Commission, think tanks, European platforms, national or regional representations etc. I myself regularly participate in or moderate panel discussions and similar. Informally, I have a network of friends, colleagues and associates, with whom I exchange and keep up to date. I am a heavy user of Twitter to follow current policy debates, I am signed up to various bulletins and notification systems, and of course I read a constant stream of publications from the Commission, ESPON, OECD etc. My work takes me across Europe, encountering various programme National Agencies, Managing Authorities, project implementations etc., allowing me to stay current on policy and funding schemes as they play out in different regions of the EU.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
In JobTown I supported very different towns with very different local realities: Rennes is one of the larger & more developed French cities, Nagykálló is a tiny town without even its own hotel in economically depressed rural eastern Hungary, with a large Roma population. I supported both directly, in an individualised way: A week before the Rennes Workshop I made a preparatory visit, meeting key stakeholders & politicians to represent the project, orient their interventions in the coming Workshop & support the local coordinator in involving a range of policy areas & departments (environment & green policy, employment, transport, inclusion etc.). I visited Nagykálló & met a variety of local citizens, stakeholders (e.g. a fruit farmer), Roma collective & development agency, discussing with the mayor the direction they wanted the town to take & how some very practical local measures fit in with the conceptual framework of JobTown. For SALTO I have given workshops on dealing with NEETs in Finland, Romania, Estonia & Belgium. For the Eastern Partnership, I have worked with representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine, on how policies and practices from the EU can be adapted to their own contexts.
Summary Expertise: 
I am experienced in organising and/or participating in participatory processes and co-production approaches to developing and implementing policy and practice. I am based in Brussels and well versed in current EU policy, programmes and funding schemes, in particular EU Cohesion Policy, its Integrated Approach to Sustainable Urban Development and the implications of this in practical terms for local actors and projects. I have a long and varied track record of working all over the EU and beyond, in a variety of settings and environments – institutional, private, civil and associative, etc. – adapting tools, policy, implementation and communication to circumstance. I’ve been Lead Expert in a few URBACT projects, and led, designed and supported numerous transnational projects – supporting local authorities and their partners in developing fit for purpose local policies, built on stakeholder support and participation.


Residence location:
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise