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Jean Henry


Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Political and professional experience over a long period (1990 - present) in different roles. Political: vice mayor responsible for urban planning, sustainable development, nature and green and environmental policy, member of the Senate with a related portfolio (2003 - 2011), chair of the Benelux committee for Sustainable Development (2005 - 2011). Professional: secretary general of a regional cooperation of municipalities (strategy and vision design for integrated planning), moderator of an association Local Authorities for Sustainable Development GDO); Associate Expert (governance, strategy, capacity building and local democracy and citizen participation) VNG International. Now building a program for GDO on water, CO2 reduction, energy, waste (C2C), biodiversity and green. Not only thematic but in search for overlap and integration of themes and approaches. For us it is very urgent to make use of citizens as a strong and intelligent source of power to change and innovate. In our programs we also create alliances with (small) business partners, with schools and universities and NGO's on themes of urban development and sustainability. The program is focused on learning and exchange of experience. New economy is an important source of inspiration.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
Education: political science (Master), post academic course on process-management, training in logical frame work, a first degree in teaching (university, higher and secondary education) As moderator of GDO and associate expert of VNG international very experienced in training, coaching and support on learning pathways. Exchange of knowledge and dissemination of experience and good practices has been core activities over a period of 10 - 15 years. Design (execution) of courses and programs in different contexts (high level professionals in public administration (for example Mayors and Vice mayors), young professionals and trainees on local level, international training programs. Design and execution of study visits. Moderator of workshops (from 10 - 30 people) and conferences from 60 - 300 participants). Writing handbooks (service- delivery on local level ed. VNG International
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
My international experience for more than 15 years means that I leaded delegations, conferences, workshops, that I managed monitoring activities (including reports) and trainings and coaching activities most time in English and the last years also in French (Mali and Tunisia).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Before 2006 I have had international experience as local governor and Senator. Independent international consultant since 2006. As Associate Senior Expert of VNG International I have been operating in a variety of projects (for example) A background and feasibility study for a Code of Inter-administrative relations in Bosnia-Herzegovina Workshops on citizen participation related to local service delivery and accountability Facilitating study visits of delegations from the province of Mersin (Turkey), reporting, providing trainings and workshops on good governance and monitoring the project. Ambassador of a project on Service delivery with the Montenegro Association of Municipalities providing training of trainers, quality control of the trainings and production of training material Design, approach and execution of courses, teaching materials and evaluation of the project (courses financial management for council-members of all 21 municipalities of Montenegro (UNDP) Training 2 weeks Governance, Service delivery and Waste management with the Institute for Public Administration of Zanzibar (Train the Trainer approach, knowledge management (lecturer, trainer)) Trainings, Coaching and courses political management (lobbying) with the AMM (Association of Municipalities in Mali), a study on Decentralization), courses and training for mayors Research about the need for education of councilors in Tunisia (with their Association of Local Government).

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Environmental Issues
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have a lot of experience in designing and building learning programs on water, CO2 reduction, energy, waste (C2C), biodiversity and green. Not only thematic but also in search for overlap and integration of themes and approaches. To me it is very urgent to make use of citizens as a strong and intelligent source of power to change and innovate. In the programs we also create alliances with (small) business partners, with schools and universities and NGO's themes of urban and sustainability. New economy is an important source of inspiration.
Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Theme / Policy: 
Local Governance
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My main experience is in the broad field of local governance. Good government in a democratic context. In aspects as citizen participation, the quality of service-delivery, transparency and accountability and mutual (reciprocal) sensitivity between elected politicians and the government staff (officials) I am a senior consultant, lecturer and trainer-coach. Last years the development of citizens – initiatives and the search for operating this new challenge as an opportunity has been in the brand of my professional activities especially in the field of sustainability.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
For 8 year (2007 - 2015) I was consultant in a national program to support councilmembers and local public administration in the search for new methods in participation and the transformation of local authority to a more reciproque approach. I was committed in several programs and also in the application of a quick scan about changing positions on local level according to participatory instruments. I designed seminars with local councils adjusting the scan and the interpretation to a specific local situation. In 2008, 2009, 2012, 2013 I organized different types of education and professional development of the National Association of Mayors ( a series of round tables, yearly seminars, a contribution to the yearly national congress). One year was focused on the participatory methods and the role of the Mayor as chair of the council. Different methods have been used: citizens inspection (review), a local referendum, co creation in sustainable development (local energy cooperation, city farming). Part of my personal experience originates from the time I was alderman in urban planning in Culemborg were a new city plan (historic center) and new neighborhood (EVA – Lanxmeer) were developed with a high commitment of citizens: designing, formulating standards, common learning sessions. For the city center I personally wrote the note about a new process approach (The city as an atelier).
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I was involved in the development of a national instrument on monitoring local policy in sustainable development (I still am). I was regarded as professional to comment and to review new versions of this instrument. I did this as former senator, former (vice) mayor and my recent work as moderator. A vital part of my contribution was the adjustment of involving the role of citizens and small business people into measuring the progress in sustainable development on local level.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I follow several workshops, seminars about the content of policy measures about sustainability at one side at the other side I maintain my professional standards in short courses on methods and approaches of innovating processes (for example Creative leadership (2011), Clean language (NLP)(2013), Clear Space (2015) and a Masterclass Civic Economy(2013)). Next to that I am developing a lot of courses, workshops in assignments for VNG International, GDO, ministries of Infrastructure, Economic Affairs and Interior and every product is new for me, I use often te most actual knowledge, for example this year a series of three seminars on biodiversity (with a team of an national program-office on sustainability (RVO)), biodiversity and city-planning, biodiversity in the industrial area and biodiversity in public areas. I am developing program and moderating sub-sessions. You need to keep up your own knowledge by newsletters etc. (Platform 31).
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
2012 an assignment of the council of Rotterdam-Kralingen to realize a training with councilmembers and their staff to find out better methods to elaborate a policy note on citizen participation practically. I was trainer and lecturer in this short training. We used an example of an another municipality (citizen panels involved in decision-making about the yearly budget). As lecturer I framed the training (participation ladder as a worldwide approach).
Summary Expertise: 
As moderator of GDO and associate expert of VNG international very experienced in training, coaching and support on learning pathways. Exchange of knowledge and dissemination of experience and good practices has been core activities over period of 10 - 15 years. Design (execution) of courses and programs in different contexts (high level professionals in public administration (for example Mayors and Vice mayors), young professionals and trainees on local level, international training programs. Design and execution of study visits. Moderator of workshops (from 10 - 30 people) and conferences from 60 - 300 participants). Writing handbooks (service- delivery on local level ed. VNG International


Residence location:
Dutch - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise