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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I have studied Architecture at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (MSc, 2003) and Urban and Regional Planning at the National Technical University of Athens, NTUA (MSc, 2007). I received my PhD in Urban History from the same University in 2014. I am a Research Associate at the Urban Environment Lab NTUA since 2007; I have worked at the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens (2010-2011) and as an Assistant Lecturer (2007-2012). During my studies I learnt to conceptualise urban problems and formulate methods of intervention. The planning and urban renewal projects I have participated in helped me to understand the importance of designing and implementing integrated strategies for sustainable urban development. Especially useful was the work experience I gained at the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens where I realised the significance of developing partnerships, involving the local authorities, NGOs, public agencies, private sector, and the civil society, in the design and implementation of efficient urban policies.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I enjoy working as team member and share gained knowledge at transnational level. As a graduate student I have studied at the University of Coimbra with Erasmus program. I have participated in an exchange program for technical experience (IAESTE) in Serbia and in an educational program of the Union of Mediterranean Architects in Turkey. During my PhD research I have presented my work at the International Conference of Critical Geography in Frankfurt (2011), the 39th Symposium of the International Committee for the History of Technology in Barcelona (2012), the 9th and 10th International Conference of the International Association for the History of Transport, Traffic and Mobility (T2M) in Berlin (2011) and Madrid (2012), the 4th International Congress on Construction History in Paris (2012), and the 6th Conference of Tensions of Europe in Paris (2013). I have participated in the organising committee of the International Workshop “Crises regimes and emerging urban social movements in cities of Southern Europe” (2013). More recently, I have been invited participant at the Fighting Displacement Transatlantic Roundtable, organised by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung NY and Right to the City Alliance in New York (2014) and at the Workshop Austerity Urbanism at Goethe-University Frankfurt (2015). The above experiences helped me understand the importance of exchange processes at transnational level.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I have studied English for eight years and have the Certificate of Proficiency in English since 1995. During my PhD research I have improved my communication skill in English. I have participated in international workshops, presented my work at international conferences, prepared research proposals in English with colleagues from other countries, and published articles in international journals. I can express myself fluently and precisely in English, differentiating finer shades of meaning. In the English reports I have written I describe clearly my arguments in a style appropriate to the context and with an effective logical structure.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have participated in strategic planning and urban renewal research programs at the Urban Environment Lab, NTUA. I have worked at the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens for the preparation of the new Strategic Plan of Athens. Currently I am teaching the course “Space and social relations” at the Plato-Academy Educational Programs for Adult Citizens, National Kapodistrean University of Athens and I am working on a research project about the emerging geographies of energy poverty and social inequality in Athens. I have prepared two reports for the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens about the regeneration of the costal zone of Attica and the regeneration of the densely populated housing areas in the centre of Athens. I have recently prepared, among others, reports about the gentrification and displacement processes in Athens and about the geographies of energy poverty in Athens. Some of the reports I have prepared present good practices from cities in Europe in order to disseminate the relevant knowledge and influence the main stakeholders.
Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I have participated in strategic planning and urban renewal research programs at the Urban Environment Lab, NTUA. I have worked at the Organization for the Regulatory Plan of Athens for the preparation of the new Strategic Plan of Athens. Currently I am teaching the course “Space and social relations” at Plato-Academy Educational Programs for Adult Citizens, National Kapodistrean University of Athens and I am working on a research project about the emerging geographies of energy poverty and social inequality in Athens. I have prepared two thematic reports for the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens about the regeneration of the costal zone of Attica and the regeneration of the densely populated housing areas in the centre of Athens. I have recently prepared, among others, reports about the gentrification and displacement processes in Athens and about the geographies of energy poverty in Athens. Some of the reports I have prepared present good practices from cities in Europe in order to disseminate the relevant knowledge and influence the main stakeholders.
Theme / Policy: 
Sustainable Urban Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
My PhD thesis examines mobility infrastructure planning and construction in Greece and discusses technological modernisation, its genealogy and characteristics and how it was connected with the idea of progress and urban development. At the same time it analyses the transfer, reception and appropriation of urban models and road building techniques through a European periphery perspective. I believe that this knowledge makes me understand the social role of roads and mobility and promote strategies for sustainable urban mobility that are place related. I have taken part in research programs at the Urban Environment Lab, NTUA that take into consideration the physical, economic and social dimensions of urban development from a sustainable perspective. During my work at the Organisation for the Regulatory Plan of Athens I took part in the committee that supervised the plan and implementation of a network of bicycle routes at the Attica coastal zone. I have written reports and articles in newspapers and blogs in order to promote sustainable urban development and mobility.


Residence location:
Greek - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise