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Giovanna Giulia


Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
Architect and urban planner since 1996, have worked on urban plans, masterplans, and public works since then at a national level. Worked at national and transnational level on downtown revitalisation programmes, researches, educational sessions and projects since then, also in connection to international programmes, as ex officio international board member of the International Downtown Association and as lecturer in several universities, in Italy and abroad. Also currently commissioner for urban planning, private buildings, public works and environmental sustainability for my home town (Ivrea, Italy). Such basis has given me a solid professional background to tackle sustainable urban development issues.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
At a transnational level, I have worked since 1996 both at an academic level and professionally on programmes and projects that involve exchange in knowledge and understanding of learning processes. In the past years I have worked on several LLP projects (Leonardo, Erasmus) and transnational projects (Interreg IIIc, Alcotra) to support lead partners in project planning and content definition, as a trainer, facilitator, consultant.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
I am bilingual. I lived in the U.S, graduated there form high school then graduated from college in Italy, with a transnational thesis (Polytechnic of Turin-Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago, which received Honors: ), ), and still maintain solid professional relations in the U.S. and the U.K., built through cooperation on transnational projects, joint publications (also as editorial advisory member), international conferences. I am the reference point for the International Downtown Association ( in Italy as their ex-officio international board member ( and on their Research Committee. (please see CV).

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have been involved in several different types of transnational projects and in several different roles, according to what was needed/required. In the carrying out of such projects, I have always been able to facilitate relationships and project goal achievements by understanding fully needs and goals so as to reach them thoroughly and successfully. I have the ability to develop transnational projects, adapt methods and tools from the different points of views (local public administrator, professional, retailer, etc.) and high levels of competences in understanding, knowledge and practical experience on urban planning, downtown revitalisation and town centre management, thanks to the extensive work carried out on transnational projects.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Integrated Urban Renewal
Summary Thematic expertise: 
For the past ten years I have worked on integrated planning issues concerning downtown revitalisation and town centre management issues alongside retailers' associations, academic institutions, international organisations, local authorities and regional governments. I have taken part in many projects and have shared knowledge experiences in countless occasions in seminars, international conferences, research projects. Extensive practical experience on integrated and strategic schemes and projects matured over a ten years' experience.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have worked as a facilitator for public administrations to support them in delivering public policies, regulations and public works projects both in practical terms that in supporting communication roles, such as in Puglia, for the workshop:, in cooperation with the national partner Iscomgroup. As Commissioner for the city of Ivrea, I have set up participatory methods and tools such as the regulation on common public spaces and values. Ivrea was one of the first three cities to adopt it in Italy, as reported here: , and recently invited in Ferrara at a national workshop to present its experience (see Moreover, as commissioner for urban planning, public works and private buildings, I have been testing local participatory tools and methods to involve citisens and stakeholders as new development plans and other projects are presented to City Hall. In the project to enhance downtown retail in the Retail Dictrict Porta delle Alpi, I worked with participatory tools to involve the local community to support a proactive revitalisation project along with the local administrations.
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
I have been working as a consultant for both local administrations and retailers' associations in delivering downtown revitalisation projects and town centre management schemes, depending on their needs. In terms of integrated approach, I have worked on Integrated Plans and programmes such as the Programma Territoriale Integrato porta Sud Metropolitana (Moncalieri - Nichelino - Trofarello - La Loggia) and urban marketing plans such as the one for Bellaria Igea Marina: and the one for the city of Parma: I Have also worked consistently on downtown revitalisation and town centre management schemes with local and regional retailer's associations, using monitoring tools such as questionnaires and elaborating cold data. In example: 1°RAPPORTO SULL’OPERATIVITA’ DEI CENTRI COMMERCIALI NATURALI DELLA TOSCANA. Piccolo manuale di marketing operativo dei CCN – Giugno 2010. “Progetto finalizzato all’identificazione di distretti del commercio e del tempo libero”, for Istituto Tagliacarne/INDIS Unioncamere, presented in Venice in 2007:
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
I keep up-to-date both through Life Long Learning (through the Association of Architects I belong to – Ordine Architetti di Torino) and practice (I am local commissioner for urban planning in my hometown. This appointment in particular give me the opportunity to have a continuously updated and ample vision of all new policies and regulations at a national level) both on retail/services and urban planning themes and by working. Through my strong partnership network I have a constantly updated vision of what is being done in other European countries on these matters. As a matter of fact, often I produce, along with colleagues a comparative framework of the different national policies and regulations so as to see how the different revitalisation schemes can be applied in different countries, or – at national level – even regions within the same country.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
Depending on the project owner, I have been "simple" practitioner, planner, facilitator, lecturer or teacher. I am often called to analyse and evaluate preliminary conditions for downtown revitalisation projects, because of my experience on the subject. Some examples:
Summary Expertise: 
I have worked both as a public administrator and as a facilitator for public administrations and private organisations to support them in delivering public policies, regulations and public works projects both in practical terms that in supporting communication roles. Have also worked consistently on downtown revitalisation and town centre management schemes with local and regional retailer's associations.


Residence location:
Italian - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise