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Ad-Hoc Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I studied Spatial Planning at the University of Dortmund. At the faculty of Spatial Planning the integrated approaches to urban (and regional) planning and development were essential elements of the theoretical and practical education. In my professional career I was involved in numerous projects on integrated urban development. Firstly in Berlin and Brandenburg (Germany) where the focus after unification of Germany (after 1990) lay on integrated urban (and later also regional) development and transport concepts. Moreover, integrated approaches - in the sense of cross-sector and multi-level planning - were the guiding line of my work in the context of sustainable urban development conceptions, particularly after Rio 1992, when the environmental aspects of development issues gained relevance. I am familiar with the concept of integrated urban planning as it is followed by international organizations, e.g. the EU in the regulations of the Cohesion Policy (in particular the European Regional Development Fund - ERDF). Among others I recently participated as a consultant in the design and implementation of a dialogue process “Sustainable Urban Development” in the State of Brandenburg defining the key themes of the ERDF with respect to the sustainable and integrated development of the towns in the Federal State of Brandenburg.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
In general it is to be stated that capacity development – basically for local (and regional, sometimes national) authorities and other stakeholders – in the field of urban and regional development is one key theme of my professional work. I successfully completed the Capacity WORKS – training which qualifies me to integrate the German International Cooperation’s (GIZ) management model for sustainable development into the professional consultancy services, in particular capacity development in developing and transition countries. According to the Capacity WORKS approach “learning and innovation” is of the five success factors of cooperation projects. Since 1997 I am involved in Cross-Border Cooperation programmes and projects in different functions: first as a Phare Programme Manager at the Delegation of the European Commission to Lithuania where I was responsible for the Baltic Sea CBC-Programme as well as the bi-lateral CBC-programmes in Lithuania. Later I was working in the field of transnational and as an urban and regional planner supporting local and regional stakeholders in identifying and developing project ideas, elaborating applications and implementing the projects. Exchange of knowledge and learning activities were (are) constitutional part of all these projects. I am used to design and implement appropriate capacity development measures for local stakeholders at transnational level, e.g. workshops, courses at Academies for Public Administrations.
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
At school I learned English for nine years, and also passed the final exam in English. At the University of Dortmund I worked at the English-speaking SPRING-Centre (SPRING = Spatial Planning for Regions in Growing Economies) for 2.5 years. During my University studies I attended two exchange and learning programmes on sustainable global development (pro international and ASA*-Scholarship of the Carl-Duisberg-Society - *Studies in Asia, South America and Africa) which included two stays in English-speaking African countries (Ghana and Kenya). In the course of my assignments with the European Commission (two years as a Task Manager at the EC-Delegation to Lithuania), with EuropeAid as well as in various international projects (Interreg, EU-Twinning, German technical cooperation, etc.) I developed oral and written proficiency in English at C1-level. I write reports and also hold lectures, deliver speeches at conferences, seminars ... in English.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
Capacity development – basically for local (and regional, sometimes national) authorities and other stakeholders – in the field of urban and regional development is one key theme of my professional work. I successfully completed the Capacity WORKS–training which qualifies me to integrate the German International Cooperation’s (GIZ) management model for sustainable development into the professional consultancy services, in particular capacity development in developing and transition countries. According to the Capacity WORKS approach “learning and innovation” is of the five success factors of cooperation projects. Dealing with partner dynamics and cultural differences plays a crucial role in nearly all my projects. Integrated urban development implies that numerous interests have to be taken into account, and the institutional setting in every country, region and municipality is different. Planning processes often have to solve conflicts (not only land use, but also different opinions on general direction, objectives, and approaches to development); diverting interests and opinions are rather the rule than an exception. Thus, the management of conflicts is an essential part of the work as a planner. This is why I attended the post-graduate studies “Peace and Conflict Research”. I would like to point out here that as a journalist I am trained to draft reports in a way that the target group easily captures the messages and can process the information

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Urban Strategic Planning
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I am exposed to urban strategic planning since my studies (10/1987 – 05/1992) at the University of Dortmund, Faculty of Spatial Planning. Since May 1992 I am working as a spatial planner in the fields of urban planning and development in international and transnational projects as well as in projects in Germany. From 05/1992 to 08/1997 I gained highly valuable experiences by working for engineering and urban planning offices in the Eastern part of the newly re-unified Germany. My main tasks comprise working on urban development plans, master plans, urban and regional traffic and transport strategies, moderation and scientific guidance of planning processes in regions and villages, studies on urban/ regional development and transport. Moreover, I was involved in designing and implementing public participation processes. After a two-years assignment at the Delegation of the European Commission to Lithuania (1997 – 1999) I started working as an independent planner and consultant, focusing on strategic planning: Since 2000 I am involved in the preparation and implementation of numerous international (transnational) and national projects (complete project list in English on


Residence location:
German - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 

Area of expertise