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Validated Lead Expert

Generic Skills

B.1. Understanding of integrated and sustainable urban development: 
I am director of Aurora European Services (, which supports organisations to improve economic development policies and practices by participating in EU programmes and projects. My thematic expertise lies in entrepreneurship, human capital, enterprise and economic development. For URBACT II, I was lead expert of ESIMeC which explored innovative approaches to sustainable economic recovery and resilience; thematic expert of URBACT Markets & coordinator of the More Jobs Better Cities capitalisation work (2012/13) and the Job Generation capitalisation work (2014/15) as well as playing a lead role in the URBACT Summer University and National Training Scheme. After graduating with a European Studies Degree and undertaking a Robert Schumann Scholarship at the European Parliament, I have worked with EU programmes and projects since 1992. Throughout this time, I have focused on supporting (medium sized) cities to develop and deliver sustainable solutions to urban challenges. I have worked in a wide range of thematic areas and recently I have specialised in employment, human capital, enterprise, innovation and entrepreneurship, and economic development in cities, as I believe that people are a city's main asset. The length and breadth of my experience in other urban development themes have helped me to understand the relevance and importance of an integrated approach, which integrates smart, sustainable and inclusive priorities and actions.
B.2. Understanding of exchange and learning processes at transnational level: 
I have extensive experience of facilitating exchange and learning at transnational level having worked in cross border, inter regional and transnational exchange projects since the early 1990's when I was involved in developing the first Ireland-UK cross border programme. Since then my transnational project experience has spanned numerous EU programmes. For URBACT I was Lead Expert of ESIMeC on economic recovery and resilience in medium sized cities 2010-2015 and Thematic Expert of URBACT Markets 2013-2015 as well as carrying out a number of roles at programme level (Capitalisation workstream coordinator 2012/13 - Jobs and Growth and 2014/15 - Jobs for Urban Youth; Summer University Lab Manager; National Training Scheme and others). Other transnational experien
B.3. Proficiency in English: 
English is my mother tongue and I pride myself on my ability to communicate complex information and messages to all audiences in an accessible and understandable way – both oral and written. I have extensive experience of speaking at international conferences and events and of delivering written outputs for a pan European audience.

Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities:

Summary Expertise for the design and delivery of transnational exchange and learning activities: 
I have extensive experience of facilitating exchange and learning at transnational level having worked in cross border, inter regional and transnational exchange projects since the early. Since then my transnational project experience has spanned numerous EU programmes. For URBACT I was Lead Expert of ESIMeC on economic recovery and resilience in medium sized cities 2010-2015 and Thematic Expert of URBACT Markets 2013-2015 as well as carrying out a number of roles at programme level (Capitalisation workstream coordinator 2012/13 - Jobs and Growth and 2014/15 - Jobs for Urban Youth; Summer University Lab Manager; National Training Scheme and others). I have also supported inter regional exchange through INTERREG programmes (A, B and C strands). I love designing and facilitating transnational learning and exchange activities and use a range of participative techniques to ensure that they are interactive and fun as well as achieving tangible results. Examples include fishbowl, speed dating, quizzes, musical networking, poster sessions, gallery walks, panel discussions, peer reviews and many more. Quote from Daniel Garnier, Lead Partner of ESIMeC “Alison has proved an invaluable support to the (ESIMeC) project. Her great facilitation skills, her ability to work with people from diverse backgrounds, her creativity and her readiness to always try out new methodologies have contributed greatly to the smooth and successful running of the project”.

Thematic expertise:

Theme / Policy: 
Employment, Human Capital and Labour Mobility
Summary Thematic expertise: 
I graduated from Cardiff University with a BSc (Econ) in Modern European Studies in 1990 and went on to secure a Robert Schumann Research Scholarship in the European Parliament the following year. I immediately immersed myself in European projects and programmes and returned to the UK in 1992 to take up my first role supporting a city (Swansea) and its surrounds with EU projects and programmes in the field of Economic Development, employment, enterprise and entrepreneurship. Since then I have worked in a wide variety of thematic areas and recently I have specialised more in economic development and employment in cities - where European Social Fund meets European Regional Development Fund. For URBACT II, I was: • Lead expert for ESIMeC I and II which aimed to explore how people and skills could be at the heart of a city's economic recovery, resilience and growth; • Thematic expert for URBACT Markets which aimed to explore the role of markets as drivers of inclusion, economic development and sustainability • Coordinator of 2 capitalisation workstreams: More Jobs-Better Cities (2012) and Job Generation for a Jobless Generation (2015) • Lab manager for employment and human capital at the Dublin Summer University • Trainer in the UK National Training Scheme I also have wide ranging experience working with other EU programmes (particularly INTERREG) and continue to work on the ground on employment and labour market issues in UK cities.
Theme / Policy: 
Entrepreneurship and competitive SMEs
Summary Thematic expertise: 
For URBACT II, I was: • Lead expert for ESIMeC I and II which aimed to explore how people and skills could be at the heart of a city's economic recovery, resilience and growth; • Thematic expert for URBACT Markets which aimed to explore the role of markets as drivers of inclusion, economic development and sustainability • Coordinator of 2 capitalisation workstreams: More Jobs-Better Cities (2012) and Job Generation for a Jobless Generation (2015) both of which explored the importance of entrepreneurship and SMEs to jobs and growth in cities • Lab manager for employment and human capital at the Dublin Summer University • Trainer in the UK National Training Scheme Other examples include: leading the first phase of the INTERREG IVC capitalisation work on Entrepreneurship; developing & supporting the delivery of a number of enterprise & entrepreneurship projects in the UK including 'Supply Cross River' (2008-15)( which aimed to open up supply chain & procurement opportunities to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in London, & promote supplier diversity & sustainable procurement to buyers; 'WorkSpace Plus' (2015) which aims to help co-working spaces in London to enhance their offer by providing a comprehensive programme of business support provision to their members / tenants. Both of these support SME development, business growth & job creation. I am a business mentor for the Princes Trust supporting young people into entrepreneurship.
Theme / Policy: 
Local Economic Development
Summary Thematic expertise: 
For URBACT II, I was: • Lead expert for ESIMeC I and II which aimed to explore how people and skills could be at the heart of a city's economic recovery, resilience and growth; • Thematic expert for URBACT Markets which aimed to explore the role of markets as drivers of inclusion, economic development and sustainability • Coordinator of 2 capitalisation workstreams: More Jobs-Better Cities (2012) and Job Generation for a Jobless Generation (2015) both of which explored the importance of joining up economioc and employment agendas in Europe's cities • Lab manager for employment and human capital at the Dublin Summer University • Trainer in the UK National Training Scheme Other examples include: leading the first phase of the INTERREG IVC capitalisation work on Entrepreneurship; developing and supporting the delivery of a number of local economic development projects in the UK including 'Supply Cross River' (2008-15) which aimed to open up supply chain and procurement opportunities to small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) in London, and promote supplier diversity and sustainable procurement to buyers; 'WorkSpace Plus' (2015) which aims to help co-working spaces in London to enhance their offer by providing a comprehensive programme of business support provision to their members / tenants. Both of these have the ultimate aim of business growth, job creation and local economic development.
Theme / Policy: 
Research, Innovation and Knowledge Economy
Summary Thematic expertise: 
For URBACT II, I was: • Lead expert for ESIMeC I and II which aimed to explore how people and skills could be at the heart of a city's economic recovery, resilience and growth; • Thematic expert for URBACT Markets which aimed to explore the role of markets as drivers of inclusion, economic development and sustainability • Coordinator of 2 capitalisation workstreams: More Jobs-Better Cities (2012) and Job Generation for a Jobless Generation (2015) both of which explored the importance of joining up economioc and employment agendas in Europe's cities • Lab manager for employment and human capital at the Dublin Summer University • Trainer in the UK National Training Scheme In the Innovation and Knowledge Economy theme I have long term experience of developing and delivering technology transfer projects and graduate retention projects in (Industrial South Wales 1992-1996 – ESF and ERDF - Objective 2, 3 and 4); I was external expert to 2 INTERREG C projects - CAPTURE (INTERREG IIIC 2004-2007) which aimed to explore how Europe’s regions could more effectively grow the knowledge economy in order to grow jobs and contribute to competitiveness; development and delivery of CLIQ (INTERREG IVC 2008-2012) which looked at how to create local innovation (and knowledge based jobs) through the Quadruple Helix.
Summary Thematic expertise: 
Please provide main highlights concerning experiences related to the specific field of expertise. If the application is validated, only this summary will be visible on the online database.

Expertise support to local authorities and other stakeholders in designing & delivering integrated and participatory policies

E.1. Knowledge on participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local polices : 
I have worked for and with local government on local economic development policy since 1992 (initially as a local government officer in Swansea and then London and subsequently as an independent consultant). As a trainer on the URBACT National Training Scheme and Lab Manager at the URBACT Summer University in Dublin, I have trained others in participatory methods and tools for co-production and implementation of local policies. I also supported ESIMeC partners to reach out to different stakeholders in their city - guiding and advising them every step of the way and helping them to deal with local challenges and difficulties. During 2013-14 I worked with Westminster City Council on the co-production of their LAP for URBACT Markets. The markets landscape in central London is complex - with public and private operators, strict regulation and a multifaceted legal and administrative structure. I worked with the LSG to identify common challenges and problems and then to cocreate potential solutions and activities. This included facilitating at a multi stakeholder consultation event which had as one of its core goals the development of effective dialogue with different stakeholder groups. Quote from Susannah Wilks, Cross River Partnership “We have found Aurora to be exceptional amongst consultancies... Their political awareness and sensitivity towards all our stakeholders inspires total confidence”
E.2. Knowledge on integrated approach for the design, delivering, monitoring and evaluation of urban strategies/policies: 
As Lead Expert of ESIMeC I have used a range of monitoring tools for integrated and sustainable urban policies. These have included the URBACT ULSG and LAP self assessment tools, partner questionnaires and regular phone interviews with city partners. I provided a template and guidance on how to develop a Local Action Plan and supported partners in drafting integrated strategies which met local need. I commented on drafts as they were developed and had regular telephone contact with partners so that they could ask me questions on areas of difficulty and I could help them to retain an integrated approach. One of the key findings of ESIMeC as a whole was the importance of a 'whole system approach' to economic development and employment in medium sized cities - an approach which accounts for the different aspects of sustainable integrated urban development and the goals of EU2020 for inclusive, smart and sustainable growth. In ESIMeC I also developed a 'learning and action points' tool to help partners document the learning from transnational events, consider where it fits within an integrated urban context and particularly within their LAP and specify actions to be delivered. We used this tool effectively at the beginning and end of each transnational event to document and review learning and actions.
E.3. Awareness of the main policy and funding schemes for sustainable urban development at EU and national level: 
In the UK I am a keen member of the Institute of Economic development and regular participant at public lectures and events on Urban issues at the London School of Economics and Centre for Cities. I regularly attend - and participate in - national, EU and international conferences and events. I am active on Twitter and find it an invaluable source of intelligence and a useful tool for signposting me to up to date information about urban development policies, trends and funds. As I love what I do I read prolifically and have an ability to absorb complex information quickly and meaningfully. At work I regularly need to prepare baseline reports for EU projects which incorporate the 'state of the art' on the project theme. In my project development work I often have to make a case for a given project which requires consideration of external coherence. All of this means I absolutely have to keep abreast of the main policy and funding streams for sustainable urban development at an EU, national and regional level.
E.4. Ability to understand specific local situations and adapt tools and content to different local realities: 
For 25 years, I have worked with projects involving partners from just about every European Member State. It is essential to be able to quickly understand and adapt to local situations and to be sensitive to local political contexts. The city tour which I did when preparing the ESIMeC baseline study is a relevant example. With the Lead Partner we had 1:1 and group discussions with multiple stakeholders from the 9 city partners. We developed a common script and methodology which was then adapted for different local realities and taking into consideration different levels of experience of sustainable integrated urban development. We used the findings of city visits combined with extensive deskwork to develop a transnational workplan which would ensure consistency in the design and delivery of integrated and participatory policies across all city partners. We used URBACT methods and tools and included a half day 'capacity building' session in each transnational event in the 1st phase of the project to help cities understand how to use these methods on the ground in their own local contexts. Partners were encouraged to critically question how these methods might work in their own contexts and to report back to others on what worked and what didn't with different stakeholder groups. All of this preparation and training helped the partners to develop Local Action Plans which used URBACT learning to address local challenges in an integrated and participatory way.
Summary Expertise: 
As Lead Expert of ESIMeC I used a range of monitoring tools for integrated and sustainable urban policies. These have included the URBACT ULSG and LAP self assessment tools, partner questionnaires and regular phone interviews with city partners. I provided a template and guidance on how to develop a Local Action Plan and supported partners in drafting integrated strategies which met local need. I commented on drafts as they were developed and had regular telephone contact with partners so that they could ask me questions on areas of difficulty and I could help them to retain an integrated approach. As well as this direct URBACT experience, I have worked with a number of INTERREG A, B and C strand projects and, importantly, also continue to work on the ground supporting local authorities in the UK's cities. Most recently, I have used participative approaches to support Westminster City Council to design and deliver an enterprise programme in the context of the London European Structural and Investment Fund Strategy, the Growth Deal and the London Plan - all of which promote an integrated approach.


Residence location:
United Kingdom
English - Mother tongue
Foreign Languages level: 
Foreign languages: 
Unavailable - already performing the role of Lead Expert for an URBACT network

Area of expertise