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URBACT Infoday in Finland

Edited on

20 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The Finnish Infoday took place in Helsinki, Finland on 5 November 2014.

The infoday included a variety of guests from all over Finland such as city representatives, managing authorities and others interested in sustainable urban development policies.  Participants had the opportunity to learn about URBACT, the programme, URBACT II results, and meet and interact with other participants. 

Presentations on the URBACT programme and on URBACT III were done by Melody Houk, which gave an overview on how cities can participate in the call. Furthermore URBACT city partners talked about their experiences in URBACT and their learning process. Robert Arnkil, Lead Expert for My Generation at Work network discussed on what cities can do to promote youth employment.

You can find the programme in Finish here

Presentation by Melody Houk, Projects Manager on URBACT II & URBACT III

Check out the flyer Towards URBACT III - Finnish!


Photo Credit:Fintrvlr Flickr