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USEAct in Trieste! What about local strategies in urban planning field?

Edited on

20 March 2015
Read time: 2 minutes
As USEAct Partner the Municipality of Trieste Local Action Plan focus on the Tools to avoid the land use. The 31st of March The Local Final LAP Exhibition will take place in Trieste, presenting the results of the work done during the last three years in the framework of the USEAct project. 
Read more on the 5th USEAct Newsletter! Now online!
PDF icon Download USEAct in Trieste Newsletter (8.93 MB)
various - editor Maria Luna Nobile / USEAct Network
Final Local Dissemination Event and Final Local Action Plan Exhibition in Trieste | 31st March 2015
One of the priorities of the last years in Trieste Municipality was the General Town Plan. Roberto Cosolini, Mayor of Trieste Municipality says: "When, at the very beginning of our mandate, we decided to start the process of a new General Town Plan, we had very clear ideas about our main objectives, and we put them to the vote of the City Council: sustainable development; stop to land consumption; re-use and regeneration of built areas; better quality of environment and landscape; sustainable mobility." The Mayor of Trieste adfirm "We are actively addressing our work, both in the planning field, and by means of other urban and economic policies like the new “traffic plan” and projects aimed to re-qualify not only the ancient part of the city but also the suburbs also, in order to give back to the city its “multi-centric” layout, its attractiveness multicultual asset." 
Elena Marchigiani, Deputy Mayor and Urban Planning Councillorship, actively involved in the USEAct project says that "What  makes the relationship between the Agenda of Trieste Municipality and USEAct so interesting is the deep coherence of objectives. In other words, the Administration sees USEAct as a project that can be completely incorporated in its political programme. 
This is not so usual. From the point of view of a policy maker, one of the main difficulties EU projects too often have is their being an extraordinary experience, whose continuity is difficult to maintain if further extraordinary funds are not available. [...] 
During the conference organized in October 2014 in Trieste, in the frame of the USEAct project, speakers dealt with the many issues related to energy and urban regeneration, also bringing the experiences developed in other national contexts: property and legal aspects; planning techniques; costs of building interventions and opportunities to partially repay them by means of financial loans and reduction of tax burdens. "
The Newsletter includes also the point of view related to the thematic issue concerned of our Lead Expert. Vittorio Torbianelli -talking about his own city this time (!)- has a hope: "that the new urban development plan and its model (‘adaptive reuse’ + ‘new volumes’) is fertile ground to insert the adaptive reuse of that incredible potential that is the ‘historic port’ of Trieste".