URBACT Pilot Projects – Joint Kick-off Meeting
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09 October 2017On the 29th – 31st of January will take place in Paris the kick-off meeting for the new pilot projects recently approved by the Monitoring Committee. The 9 projects will join the URBACT Secretariat for a 3-day meeting that aims to equip partners with information and tools about the Programme, the objectives and milestones of their projects.

It is the first time that URBACT programme organizes a joint kick-off meeting for newly selected projects. The event will bring together more than 100 city representatives coming from 30 different cities spread over 15 EU countries. They represent the 6 transfer networks and 3 delivery networks recently selected, which are: 6 Transfer Networks:
- TUTUR - Temporary use of public spaces as planning tool (Lead partner Rome, IT)
- Diet for Green Planet - Healthy and environmentally friendly food in public kitchens (Lead Partner Sodertalje, SE)
- Placemaking as Open Living Lab - Testing Place-making method with different target groups in different target areas (Lead Partner Dun Laoghaire, IE)
- GeniUS:Open - Participative design and delivery of city services (Lead Partner York, UK)
- Healthy Ageing - Raising awareness on demographic ageing & better response to citizens’ needs through more effective strategies and health policies (Lead partner Udine, IT)
- GastroUrbact - Gastronomy as tool for tourism and employment development (Lead Partner Burgos city, Asociacion Plan Estrategico, ES)
3 Delivery Networks:
- EVUE - Electric Vehicles for Urban Mobility (Lead Partner Westminster, UK)
- ESIMeC - Demand-led workforce development as main drivers for medium sized cities (Lead Partner Basingstoke and Dean, UK)
- ROMA-Net - Improved access to education, health, housing, services and to stimulate employment opportunities for working age Roma (Lead Partner Budapest, HU)
The event will allow participants to get familiar with the URBACT programme and its activities, receive applied training on specific tasks and take advantage of various social moments to foster informal networking. Specific time is also dedicated for project meetings, allowing project partners to know each other and exchange on their project roadmap, methods for working and outputs.
Twitter Challenge: "Describe Your Project in a Tweet" #URBACTPilots
The Joined Kick-Off Meeting of all Pilot Projects is a great opportunity to introduce your project to a bigger audience, to build interest around it and.... to win a beautiful URBACT Summer University Sweater! To take part, it's easy:
- Log in on Twitter
- Follow @URBACT
- Tweet about your project, each time using #URBACTPilots (the hashtag of the meeting) as well as the hashtag of the project you describe, as follows:
- #RomaNetURBACT
- #DietforGreenPlanet
- #GastroURBACT
- #GeniusURBACT
- #HealthyAgeingURBACT
- #PlaceMakingLab
- #tuturURBACT
You can make several attempts to provide the best project description in one tweet!
The 2 winners will be announced at the end of the meeting and will receive their URBACT Summer University Sweaters!
The Challenge is open to all: to those who are present in Paris and to those who are not too. So try your chance!
Of course during the course of the meeting you can also tweet on other matters. If you want to report on new ideas, on the mood of the event, on new information shared or tweet about the pilot projects use #URBACTPilots or address your tweet to @URBACT.
And also, find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/URBACT
Looking forward for more exchanges with you on the web!
Read more
- Our Organisation - URBACT Website
- URBACT announces new pilot networks - URBACT Website
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