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RegGov Final Conference – Watch the video!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

The URBACT RegGov project has just completed its programme of exchange and learning activities. The  9 project partners have been working relentlessly for three years looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions for deprived urban neighbourhoods. The Final Conference of the project took place in the City of Duisburg (Germany) in the Landscape Park Duisburg-North on 12 and 13 May 2011. Watch the video!

Led by the city of Duisburg, RegGov is working on regional governance and sustainable integrated development of deprived urban areas and exploring the role of regions as Managing Authorities as the key actor for mainstreaming this approach within convergence and competitiveness programmes. They focus on how to build a long term relationship between cities and regional authorities.  They argue that this becomes decisive for a successful development, implementation and funding of integrated urban development policies.

More than 150 participants attended the Final Conference of the URBACT RegGov network in Duisburg on 12 May 2011. High-ranking representatives from the European Commission, the URBACT Secretariat, the associated Managing Authorities and City Representatives discussed questions of cooperation and governance for deprived neighbourhoods in the context of integrated sustainable neighbourhood development. And they have commented Ten Recommendations related to "Challenges and Conditions for Good Multi-Level Governance".  

The conference was followed by an International Exhibition on Friday, 13 May 2011 organised by the regional city network "Socially Integrative City North Rhine Westphalia".

Watch the lively video of the event!

URBACT RegGov Final Conference 2011 par urbact

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