Regeneration through Sustainable Development – LC-FACIL Conference in Kirklees
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09 October 2017In an increasingly complex and uncertain world how can we create sustainable towns and cities? LC-FACIL is an URBACT project made of seven partners looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to facilitate the implementation of integrated sustainable urban development according to the Leipzig Charter. The project will held a conference entitled "Regeneration through sustainable development - Exploring new ideas and sharing best practice" on November 25th in Kirklees (UK).

Thousands of towns and cities across Europe are facing new challenges in an increasingly testing economic environment. One of the greatest challenges is to retain local distinctiveness and priorities whilst competing in the global marketplace. Applying the principles of sustainable development may be one way in which towns and cities can address local issues and at the same time achieve greater efficiency and innovation.
The conference aims to inspire and stimulate discussion about leading regeneration practices in the UK and Europe as well as exploring whether a culture of innovation, collaboration and community activism will bring about long-term regeneration.
Delegates will hear from inspiring speakers who will share their experiences and stimulate debate about sustainable development. Irena Bauman, architect and urbanist has produced an ambitious masterplan for Dewsbury which encompasses the principles of sustainability. Irena will describe how the masterplan evolved through a partnership with local citizens. Laurent Gaillard, the lead urban planner for the city of Grenoble in France (a city which has won international recognition for its approach to eco-neighbourhoods), will give the audience an insight into the realm of what is possible in sustainable development. And finally Charles Landry, author of "The Creative City" and "The Art of City Making" will challenge some traditional approaches and trigger people's imagination and thinking.
Delegates will also hear about leading practice from cities across Europe and engage in discussion about how sustainable development can be implemented by regeneration practitioners. Finally, there will be opportunity to hear from the partner cities involved in LC-FACIL currently advising on the development of a Reference Framework for Sustainable Cities - a toolkit for urban planners and decision-makers.
The conference is aimed at regeneration practitioners, planning experts and decision-makers from Europe.
Read more:
Download Sustainable_Development_Conference_-_invitation.pdf (1.13 MB) - URBACT website
- LC-FACIL - URBACT website
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