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HerO Project Final Conference - Save the date!

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

HerO 'Heritage as Opportunity' is one of the URBACT projects which is currently in their implementation phase and that will end in 2011. Its nine partners have been working relentlessly for two years on integrated and innovative management strategies for historic urban landscapes . The project will complete its programme of exchange and learning activity with a final conference organised in the Lead Partner city Regensburg (Germany) on 13 and 14 April 2011.

The Vienna Memorandum on " World Heritage and Contemporary Architecture – Managing the Historic Urban Landscape" (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, 2005) states that the historic urban landscape cannot be merely seen as an accumulation of significant monuments but rather needs to be considered as a living organism and vital living space for its inhabitants. However, the rapidly changing basic conditions of modern times pose a big challenge on the management of many historic urban areas, which can no longer be handled by traditional mono-sectoral policies. The imbalance of progress and the preservation of the historic urban fabric often result in either economic stagnancy or the loss of cultural heritage values and with it the loss of identity.

In this context, the URBACT project HerO is looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions in the field of cultural heritage and urban development. Indeed, HerO project led by the City of Regensburg main objective is facilitating the right balance between the preservation of built cultural heritage and the sustainable, future-proof socio-economic development of historic towns in order to strengthen their attractiveness and competitiveness. Emphasis is placed on managing conflicting usage interests and capitalising the potential of cultural heritage assets for economic, social and cultural activities. 

HerO project has already published some very interesting results as its PDF icon Download The HerO Good-Practice Compilation (3.45 MB) which collects 18 good-practice examples of actions initiated in the project partner cities to address the challenges of "preserving visual integrity" and "establishing integrated revitalisation approaches".

Save the date of HerO Final Conference! Further information will be available in due time.

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