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NeT-TOPIC Project Seminar : Building new urban identities

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

Salford City Council and Urban Vision, as partners in the NeT-TOPIC URBACT Project are delighted to invite you to an international seminar focusing on the development and consolidation of identity for intermediate cities in transformation. The event will take place on 21 October 2009 in Salford.

Comprised of 8 peripheral cities, NeT-TOPIC fosters the exchange of knowledge, experiences and best practice to enhance the role of similar cities in territorial governance and urban planning processes across Europe.

The event will look closely at the typical physical, social and economic challenges faced by cities located on the periphery of major urban centres. Through effective planning and regeneration, a clear identity can be developed: helping to attract investment, improve social conditions and, ultimately, transform cities into modern, multifunctional areas.

Examining the potential dilemmas faced by decision makers in the European context, the seminar investigates the role of local governance and urban regeneration to achieve a new city identity, looking specifically at the experiences of the NeT-TOPIC partners.

To book your place please contact: Charlotte Heap on 0161779 6148 or 

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