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PREVENT's first meeting

Edited on

06 July 2012
Read time: 1 minute

Twenty persons from the five first partners of the Prevent's project network have participated to the first transnational meeting about the topic of the involvment of parents to prevent early school leaving. This is a nice occasion to meet all together for the first time in order to organize concretly our group and to share

our commun aims. 
 Johanna Rolland, first deputy mayor of Nantes introduced our work saying that "The issue of family involvement in educational projects refers to the principles of share education where different educational actors recognize each other's learning partnership. PREVENT’s challenge is to conciliate a theoretical thought of quality with the implementation of concrete recommendations useful to each partner.

Some ideas of PREVENT…OLOGY from the state of art:
While it is never too early for parents to be involved, it is also true that it is never too late, as children benefit from involvement at each and every stage of their lives…”

ESL is a complex, multi-sector problem…
…and, most often, the result of a process rather then a one-off event…

Involving parents in ESL prevention: some possible challenges
• Strong organisational and cultural boundaries that not naturally involve parents –
but on the other hand, also many that do that could be built upon and disseminated…
• Different service cultures, approaches and understanding of the ESL problems
• Sustainable services, sustainable support chains and sustainable funding –
LAP focus..?
• Evaluation and monitoring important – who?

• Not only related to school period – extra curricular activities etc very important…
• Early start – early win…
• Mapping is vital (”intelligence systems”)
• Requires capacity building, support structures, innovation – and continous
• Families and parents – always included…

Mapped as a crucial success factor – thus not seriously developed
• Good examples – and ambitions – in PREVENT cities, in EU, in the world…
• but also includes some challenging aspects we have to take on in the next phase…