HerO Expert Workshop in Lublin
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10 September 2010On September 8-10 the HerO partners met in the Polish partner city Lublin to discuss about cultural activities in historic cities and their role within the local integrated strategies of management. Apart from the renovation of historic buildings and the preservation of the historic urban landscape as a whole, this conference placed emphasis on the ‘soft’ cultural and social initiatives, which keep historic cities alive and make them attractive places to live, work and invest in.

The conference has been initiated by the City of Lublin in cooperation with the Marshal’s Office of Lubelskie Voivodship (Lublin’s ‘Managing Authority’) as an extraordinary meeting within the frame of the HerO network activities, to foster the exchange of experiences between the HerO partner cities and the member cities of the Polish “Forum for Revitalization”. In a two-day workshop, representatives of the HerO cities as well as the Polish historic cities, discussed their different approaches to cultural activities and the impact of those events on the quality of life in historic city centres. The HerO partners from Graz, Liverpool and Vilnius reported on their concepts for and experiences with the ‘European Capital of Culture’, while representatives of the City of Lublin presented their application for this title in 2016.
The cultural activities of the hosting city of Lublin have been presented ‘in action’, as the annual event ‘Festival of Tastes’ took place at the same time. Walking tours and site visits in Lublin and a trip to the nearby Kozlowka palace and museum completed the conference programme. The participants experienced Lublin’s unique cultural heritage assets but also its future challenges.
Download Summary_of_Expert_Workshop.pdf (38.13 KB)/a>>/>
The conference venue at the Royal Tribunal Building
Visit to the Domenican Convent
Walking tour through Lublin's historic city centre
View from the Trynitarska Tower
Photographs: Barbara Buehler
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