Mid term meeting, Riga January 2010
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09 October 2017MY GENERATION. Mid Term Meeting in Riga January 2010.
''A personal reflection'' by Farah Ramzan, Rotterdam, 21 years old.

As a trainee I just started to work for the project My Generation. I did not know sufficient to understand the project’s aims. I had never heard of My Generation before, only the term ‘Urbact’ was a bit known to me. For this reason, my tutor advised me to join the mid term meeting held in Riga (the capital of Latvija) in order to understand the story behind My Generation. As soon as the programma started to run, my view concerning the work programme of My Generation and its aims changed immediately. The story of My Generation goes beyond the young generation itself.
My Generation is in every field related to stimulate youngsters in Rotterdam and our partner cities to become more active in a better social and business environment. In order to reach this aim, different kinds of themes were involved such as: outreach, employment, etc. The workshops were organized over a period of two days. We have danced, networked with other youngsters and experts from Local Support Groups, visited the city during a city tour but most important: we have created a concept of the Local Action Plans and exchanged it with our partner cities. Good examples of partner cities were: Birmingham, Riga, Gdansk, Patras etc. Different kind of problems, opinions and ideas concerning youngsters and youngster’s lifes were discussed. Since I’m 21 and therefore still considered as a youngster, I had an equal say during the discussions and was taken very seriously. It was interesting to see in what way my view differed of foreign youngsters from the same age.
In my opinion did the mid term meeting in Riga succeed. We have participated on several workshops that provided useful activities through working together. I have the feeling that I understand the young generation more and was able to contribute by giving eldery people fresh view about youngsters as well. I think it is every important to meet challenges together since the correlation between young and old is very important for the results in this type of project. We should not meet challenges individually but together as a group and that is exactly what we did.
Click below to see the movie concerning the workshops held in Riga
Click below to view a photoslide of the meeting in Riga in order to get a first impression
Download My Generation – Presentation Local Action Plan Riga –February 2010 (5.73 MB)
Underneath is shown the participants list of the Riga workshop, click on it to enlarge.
Download My Generation - Participants list mid-term workshop Riga – January 2010 (76.35 KB)
Click below to see an overview of the photo's of the meeting in Riga

Click below to see the powerpoint of MyGeneration shown in Riga

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