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1st TEW - Transnational Exchange Workshop "Age and Economy" - Wolverhampton (UK)

Edited on

19 November 2009
Read time: 1 minute

First Transnational Exchange Workshop was held in Wolverhampton in June 17-19th, 2009.

The aim of the meeting was to give the partners, belonging to the Active Age Network, an occasion to exchange and share their different experiences on the theme of "Age and Economy", focusing on employability of elderly people forced out the labour market as well as on their capability to be engaged in the creation of small businesses and enterprises.

A significant number of case studies were submitted by the cities to the Lead partner. They mainly concern:

  • sustainable self-employment and entrepreneurship;
  • the creation of services to offer assistance to small sized businesses;
  • the training of volunteers for elderly self help groups;
  • voluntary business consulting to guide entrepreneurs who want to start their own business.

The case studies:

  • Wolverhampton (UK): PRIME - A viable way to continue earning e living after 50
  • Dobrich (Bulgaria): A Service for the Assistance to Small-Sized Businesses
  • Edinburgh (UK): Age Positive Campaign and EQUAL programmes: next step for the reemployment of “over 50” elderly people
  • Maribor (Slovenia): Training and Education of the Volunteers for Elderly Self-Help Groups
  • Sevilla (Spain): Secot: a Spanish experience promoting self entrepreneurship
  • Starogard (Poland): Anti-unemployment activities
  • Thessaloniki (Greece): A policy for unemployed workers aged “over 50”
  • Rome (Italy): Supporting elderly people entrepreneurship - Bic Lazio and Lazio Employment Agency

To read more see Case Study Report in Our Outputs.

Download PDF icon Download 1st TEW - Wolverhampton, June 17-19th 2010: the agenda (212.46 KB)the agenda.