Kick-off meeting & 1st Steering Committe - Barakaldo
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12 February 2015After the 6 month Development Phase (21st April-21st October 2008) and the approval of the Final Application, NeT-TOPIC has entered into the Implementation Phase (October 2008-April 2011). The Kick-off meeting and first Steering Group meeting organised in Barakaldo, Spaon, last 4-5th Ferbruary was the starting point for the Second Phase.

The kick-off meeting organised in Baraklado, Spain, last 4-5th February, was the starting point for the Second Phase. The local coordinators and urban officers met in the partner city to define next tasks and steps to be carried out in this Phase.
In order to foster the exchange experiences and best practices among its partners and to produce new knowledge, the network foresess to carry out some activities during this Second Phase:
- 3 Open Thematic Seminars:
- “Urban fragmentation due to roads and communication infrastructures” and “Recovering and conditioning abandoned and obsolete industrial areas”, Sesto - San Giovanni, May 2009. “Transformation from a mono functional city into a multifunctional city” and “Development and consolidation of the urban identity”, - Salford, October 2009
- “Enhancing new forms of urban and metropolitan governance” Nanterre, July 2010 (to confirm).
- 2 Workshop-labs
- Haidari, beginning of 2010
To confirm
- Final event
- L’Hospitalet de Llobregat, April 2011, where all the network conclusions will be presented.
- 3 Thematic Seminar Publications: compilation of the Seminar’s interventions and conclusions
- Guidelines and Recommendations for carrying out urban planning processes
- Electronic Bank of Urban Transformation Processes
- 5 electronic newsletters
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