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INTERREG IVC Capitalisation Conference

Edited on

21 June 2019
Read time: 1 minute

The INTERREG IVC programme, on behalf of its Managing Authority (the Nord Pas-de-Calais Region) and under the patronage of the EU Swedish presidency, is holding its first Capitalisation conference on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 December 2009, at the Gothenburg Convention Centre, Sweden.

Capitalisation projects aim at transferring identified good practices into the Structural Funds programmes of each Region involved. They are addressed to Managing Authorities and intermediate bodies set up by them.

The event will be composed of plenary roundtable discussions, thematic capitalisation sessions, networking and speed-dating sessions, as well as current and proposed projects presentation, around INTERREG IVC's two priorities: Innovation & the Knowledge economy and Environment & Risk prevention.

It is an opportunity for current INTERREG IVC Capitalisation project partners, regional Structural Funds managing authorities, as well as local, regional and national politicians and journalists to:

  • Gather information on capitalisation processes in general, and specifically on the next call for proposals for capitalisation projects,
  • Get advice on how to put forward their application,
  • Submit project ideas and present them to the conference participants,
  • Network for potential partners and share their experience and best practices in running similar projects.

This event is specifically intended for Capitalisation projects bodies, with an estimated participation of around 400 people.

Deadline for registration: 20 November.

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