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"Participate to the CECODHAS – EEB conference "Energy efficiency in housing: EU tools to unlock the potential""

Edited on

21 June 2019
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"CCECODHAS (The European Liaison Committee for Social Housing) and EEB (The European Environmental Bureau) organise a Conference untitled "Energy efficiency in housing: EU tools to unlock the potential" in Brussels on December 9th, 2008."

"CCECODHAS and EEB have decided to join forces to face the challenge of climate change. Ahead of the crucial 2009 Copenhagen Summit and following the publication of the Second EU Strategic Energy review and the proposal for revision of Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD), this conference is a unique opportunity to assess the strategies in place and to consider those needed to make energy efficiency a powerful instrument of climate change policies but also social policies.
National, regional, local authorities, NGOs, tenants association, private developers…actors involved in policies and projects aiming at improving housing conditions as well as energy performance and environmental quality in the European Union are invited to attend.
The conference will take place at the European Economic and Social Committee, Rue Belliard 99-101 Bruxelles, Room B-62, from 09:00 – 17:00
Registration is free of charge but compulsory. Please send an email with name, organisation, and contact details to by 28th of November 2008
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