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CiTIEs: Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe

Edited on

06 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

On 17-18 February 2014, the European Commission organises a series of events to debate how Member States and EU institutions should work together to ensure that cities play their full role in European development – and that their needs are fully reflected in policy thinking.

More than two thirds of EU citizens live in cities or other urban areas – but does policy making in the EU reflect the realities of today's Europe? As calls grow for an EU Urban Agenda, the European Commission will host a cluster of events "CiTIEs: Cities of Tomorrow: Investing in Europe" held in Brussels 17-18 February 2014. It will be a crucial opportunity to shape a debate that matters to all of us.

CiTIEs is not one event, but many linked debates:

  • A major high-level conference debating what an EU Urban Agenda should be, what it might contain and how it should work;
  • A meeting of the Mayors of Europe's capitals to discuss how they can contribute to setting an urban agenda at national and European level;
  • A meeting of Directors-General responsible for urban development in the Members States to debate how national and European policies can articulate better;
  • A meeting of city-stakeholder organisations to discuss the key urban challenges that Europe needs to address;
  • The first meeting of the Urban Development Network of cities engaged in pioneering integrated investments;
  • An open expert meeting discussing the major future challenges that needs to be tackled through Innovative Actions.

Save the dates 17-18 February 2014 for this important urban event.
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