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The SURE Project Held its Final Conference in Eger, Hungary, on November 14, 2012

Edited on

17 February 2015
Read time: 1 minute

After three years of work and exchanges, the SURE Project came to a close. Its Final Conference is took place in Eger, Hungary, on the 14 November 2012. 

The SURE Project

The SURE Project, led by the city of Eger in Hungary, brought together nine cities from nine countries across Europe. It focused on socio-economic methods of urban rehabilitation in deprived urban areas.

Most towns in Europe face complex socio-economic challenges. To tackle the complex interactions between social, physical and economic factors which lead to the decline of neighbourhoods requires expertise and resources which often exceed those available to small and medium sized towns. Smaller municipalities therefore are increasingly looking for opportunities to develop their capacity to work more effectively with resident and business communities on the development of integrated and locally sustainable solutions. 

The SURE network was designed to develop this capacity and to support its partners in the implementation of integrated socio-economic regeneration strategies which build on local strengths and opportunities. This was achieved by developing an integrated Socio-economic Urban REhabilitation Model for small and medium sized cities, presented at the Final Conference. 

The Final Conference of the SURE project

The Final Conference of the SURE project was organised on the 14th of November 2012 in Eger. 

During the conference, beside the thematic presentations on social town rehabilitation, the Lead Expert of SURE (Dr. Hans Schlappa) presented the main results of the SURE network. The participants learnt about the Local Action Plans prepared by the partners and parallel workshops were held in topics like participative planning, place making, partnership and community development and land use planning. Furthermore, Mr Emmanuel Moulin, Head of the URBACT Secretariat presented the future of the URBACT Programme. 

Particpants were warmly invited to this Final Conference, free of charge.

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