The ESIMeC Project is Holding its Final Conference in Brussels on November 7, 2012
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27 July 2015The eight ESIMeC partners are very pleased to invite you to come and join them on Wednesday 7 November 2012 in Brussels for their Final Event. View the complete invitation to this event Download 8460_Esimec_invite_p4.pdf (563.2 KB).

The European Commission’s Employment Package, published during 2012, includes a range of measures which aim to help Europe move towards a job-rich recovery. It pinpoints a number of sectors – green, white and digital in particular – as providing potential for job creation and economic growth. It stresses the importance of investing in skills and linking education to the world of work.
All of these issues have been explored by ESIMeC (Economic Strategies and Innovation in Medium Sized Cities), an URBACT II Thematic Network, since it began in December 2010. Through a series of transnational exchanges, the eight city partners have produced recipes and a cookbook to help city practitioners successfully blend a series of key ingredients into a successful dish for a job rich recovery.
The ESIMeC final event will be the opportunity to sample some of the ESIMeC recipes, discover the ESIMeC cookbook and the ESIMeC skills forecasting tool. It will also be an opportunity to hear from some masterchefs in the field of skills and workforce development.
The programme includes:
- Launch of the ESIMeC cookbook and the ESIMeC Skills Forecasting Tool,
- Keynote speakers including Professor Mike Campbell OBE, Graeme Harrison from Oxford Economics and the OECD LEED programme,
- Interactive workshop on how to cook up a demand-led workforce development strategy using ESIMeC recipes and ingredients,
- Exhibition on ESIMeC Local Action Plans showing what partners are doing to facilitate a job rich recovery in their cities.
You can already sample some of the recipes here.
For more information or to register for the event, please email
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