New From the ESIMeC Kitchen – The Eighth Recipe On Skills Forecasting is Out!
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09 October 2017The eighth ESIMeC recipe focuses on skills forecasting and what medium sized cities can do to anticipate the skills local employers will need in the future.

The ESIMeC project
ESIMeC (Economic Strategies and Innovation in Medium Sized Cities) brings together eight medium sized cities from across Europe that share similar challenges and priorities.
The main aim of the ESIMeC project is to develop innovative economic strategies that capitalise on the assets and specificities of medium sized cities to ensure they are better equipped to cope with economic downturns and to encourage faster economic recovery as well as long term economic growth and resilience.
The Eighth ESIMeC recipe
Throughout the 3-year long project, ESIMec gathered its works and findings in the forms of “recipes”. The eighth one, newly released, focuses on skills forecasting and what medium sized cities can do to anticipate the skills local employers will need in the future.
Many cities across the EU are experiencing a paradox in their labour market, with high rates of unemployment alongside talent gaps and unfilled vacancies due to skills mismatches. Having the ability to forecast what skills may be needed in the future will enable cities to put in place the right training offer to ensure businesses have a suitably skilled workforce to sustain their growth and development.
This recipe highlights the key ingredients and utensils cities need to achieve an efficient skills forecast. It also contains a serving tip - a pro-active approach to integrated skills forecasting and training in Cherbourg, one of ESIMeC's French partners. Download the full recipe Download ESIMeC recipe 8 (1006.72 KB).
The ESIMeC Final Conference
After 3 years of work, the eight ESIMeC partners will be holding their final event on Wednesday 7 November 2012 in Brussels. It will be the opportunity to sample some of the ESIMeC recipes, discover the ESIMeC cookbook and the ESIMeC skills forecasting tool. For more information about this closing event, go here.
Read More:
• The ESIMeC minisite – URBACT website
• The ESIMeC Eighth Recipe – URBACT website
• The ESIMeC Final Event – URBACT website
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