URBACT II, A Widely Recognised Programme, Following the EMI June 2012 Report
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23 July 2015How well is URBACT II doing ? Pretty well, following the latest analysis of European Metropolitan Network Institute (EMI). EMI led a research in May and June 2012 on the urban dimension of the Cohesion Policy and integrated urban policy. City and regional practitioners throughout Europe were asked in a questionnaire how they felt about current implementation efforts and future plans of Cohesion Policy.

It comes out that the European Territorial Cooperation objective is highly considered, this underlined by the respondents appreciation of the four interregional cooperation programmes (INTERREG IVC, URBACT II, ESPON, INTERACT). Amongst these, URBACT II together with INTERREG IVC, are distinctly recognised and acknowledged. Indeed, 48.5% of cities and regions where the respondents are from have been active in the URBACT II programme (49.5% for INTERREG IVC).
Activities respondents’ cities and regions in four interregional cooperation programmes (Image from EMI Analysis, page7)
These high figures are very alleviating for URBACT II, which is striving to enable cities to work together to develop solutions to major urban challenges, and reaffirming the key role they play in facing increasingly complex societal changes. The pragmatic and sustainable solutions which URBACT helps cities to develop, take into account economic, social and environmental dimensions. Above all, it is among URBACT’s principle goals to enable cities to share good practices and lessons learnt with all professionals involved in urban policy throughout Europe.
What is also most appreciated, following the EMI Report, is URBACT’s understanding of the key elements found to be important for integrating within urban policy; urban mobility, metropolitan governance, spatial planning, social inclusion, housing, innovation and research, skills and employments. With currently
56 undergoing active projects, grouped in 9 areas of expertise, more than 300 cities across Europe are working together to develop effective and sustainable solutions to the key urban challenges.
In its way, URBACT II plays a significant role in the success of Cohesion Policy and in the development of an integrated urban European policy. A time for URBACT to continuously thank all those working and contributing to its success.
Read More:
Analysis EMI – URBAN Intergroup questionnaire – EMI Website
URBACT Missions – URBACT Website
URBACT projects – URBACT Website
Cities involved, interactive map – URBACT Website
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