Final Conferences of Nine URBACT Projects Coming Up: Save the dates!
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09 October 2017After two years of work after being launched in 2010, nine URBACT projects are coming to an end. To hear more about their results, before or just after their final publications are out, the best way is to attend their final conferences. Here you will find the dates and places of the public presentations of their findings.

Main thematic: electric vehicules in urban Europe.
Final conference: October 24-27, 2012 (to be confirmed), London, UK.
Active Travel Network
Main thematic: tackling transport problems by promoting walking and cycling in small and medium size cities
Final conference: November 6, 2012, Weiz, Austria.
Main thematic: options of actions - strategic positioning of small and medium sized cities.
Final conference: November 8, 2012, Leoben, Austria.
Main thematic: economic strategies and innovation in medium size cities.
Final conference: November 6-7, 2012, Brussels, Belgium.
The event is entitled "Come dine with ESIMeC". The first half-day will be focused on the partnership and the Local Action Plans while the second day will be the wider dissemination event for the project results and outputs.
Main thematic: socio-economic methods of urban renovation.
Final conference: November 14, 2012, Eger, Hungary.
Main thematic: territories of co-responsibility.
Final conference: November 22-23, 2012, Mulhouse, France.
Main thematic: cities action for sustainable housing.
Final conference: November 29, 2012, Brussels, Belgium.
Main thematic: old European cities as a key for sustainability.
Final conference: January 9, 10 and 11, 2013, Anderlecht and Brussels, Belgium.
January the 10th conference will be held at the European Parliament and organised in partnership with the URBAN intergroup.
Main thematic: integration of Roma population.
Final conference: January 17, 2013, Budapest, Hungary.
Read more:
• EVUE Outputs – URBACT website
• Active Travel Network Outputs – URBACT website
• OP-ACT Outputs – URBACT websiteg
• ESIMeC Outputs – URBACT website
• SURE Outputs – URBACT website
• TOGETHER Outputs – URBACT website
• CASH Outputs – URBACT website
• LINKS Outputs – URBACT website
• Roma-Net Outputs – URBACT website
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