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Discover the main thematics of the new URBACT projects

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

On the 1st of May 2012, 19 new projects have officially started! All of them have planned "kick-off" meetings for their projects in May or June. All projects focus on sustainable urban development from an urban planning and urban renewal perspective, or from an economic development and employment perspective.

Focus on urban planning and urban renewal
At least nine projects are focusing on sustainable development as part of the priority themes of urban planning and urban renewal.

In the field of urban planning, projects are examining sustainable answers for linking transport and urban development (ENTER.HUB), developing local markets in cities (URBACT Markets) and new financial instruments (CSI Europe), and monitoring local strategic planning (DID-RFSC).

In the field of urban renewal, they are looking at ways of creating high-rise blocks (RE-Block), incorporating inhabitants’ practical knowledge of uses (USER), and prioritising development of vacant spaces as an opportunity for the city (USE ACT and WOOD FOOTPRINT).

Along with this, one project deals with a specific environmental issue – the Sustainable Food for Urban Communities project.

Focus on economic development and employment

Almost half of the projects address the key issues facing European cities today of economic development and employment.

Several projects are focusing on innovation and economic development (E4C or E-skills for innovative cities), cultural and creative industries (CreativeSpin), innovation and knowledge (INNOVA) and partnerships between universities and cities (EUnivercities). Meanwhile, one is focusing on health policy (4D CITIES) and another on city branding and marketing (CityLogo).

Several projects deal with education, inclusion and employment, including the key issues of employability of young people (My Generation at Work and JOBTOWN), the role of parents in preventing early school leaving (PREVENT) and citizen innovation to improve public services (SMART CITIES).

From early June on, you will be able to read more on each of the project on their project minisites.

Read More:

Results of the URBACT II third Call for proposals - URBACT Website