Still time to join a new URBACT Project!
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09 October 2017The 19 URBACT Thematic Networks approved in April are still looking for new EU partners – including cities but also regional authorities, universities and other public institutions – to join their work on integrated, sustainable urban development. Take your chance!

New URBACT Projects have to broaden their partnerships during the Development Phase
Within the framework of the third URBACT II call for proposals 19 Thematic Networks were approved by the URBACT II Monitoring Committee on 23 April 2012. They will run until end 2014.
During the 6 month Development Phase, all new URBACT projects have to extend their partnerships from five up to a maximum of 12 partners.
Who can be a partner in an URBACT II project?
- Cities (municipalities and agglomerations)
- Regions (where urban issues are involved)
- Universities and research institutions
- Equivalent Public Bodies (e.g. local development agencies, municipal owned companies, etc.)
Partners must come from one of the 27 European Union Member States or from Norway and Switzerland, Partner States in the URBACT Programme.
If you would like to become a partner in one of these projects please contact the appropriate Lead Partner. You can find all new project Lead Partners' contact details here.
Please note that there are certain rules concerning the composition of the final partnership. These projects have to take account of the need to ensure a balance between Competitiveness and Convergence regions in Europe. The project partners must come from three different countries. Final partnership shall be determined by the Lead Partner in collaboration with the other project’s partners.
The Development Phase is starting now, we therefore recommend that potential new partners show their interest as soon as possible.
Read more:
- Results of the URBACT third Call for proposals – URBACT website
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