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High application rate recorded in the 3rd URBACT Call for Proposals

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

More than eighty project applications, involving hundreds of EU cities, were submitted in URBACT’s third and last Call for Proposals, which closed last week. Of the 81 city partnerships to come forward, up to 19 will be selected to create new URBACT Thematic Networks working on sustainable and integrated urban development. 

Eligible applications are now being analysed by an international panel of experts, a step in the assessment process leading to the URBACT Monitoring Committee's final decision on 23 April 2012. The resulting list of projects approved for an initial six-month "Development phase" will be posted on the URBACT website.

"It's very encouraging to see such a high interest in URBACT from cities across the EU," said Emmanuel Moulin, Director of the URBACT Secretariat.  "Only the best proposals will be selected: the aim is for networks to really improve sustainable and integrated urban development in their partner cities."
In terms of thematic coverage, proposals were well spread over URBACT's three sets of topics:

  • Innovative cities: 42,70% of all proposals received
  • Sustainable cities: 37, 80% of all proposals received
  • Inclusive cities: 19,50% of all proposals received

In terms of the geographical coverage of cities submitting proposals as Lead Partner, nearly a quarter are Italian (23%), and 17% are Spanish. Other countries with high numbers of hopeful Lead Partners are the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Portugal, with an average of 10% of all Lead Partners in submitted proposals. Of the 82 proposals, six were led by cities from the former "New Member States": three by Hungarian cities, two by Romanian cities and one by a Slovenian city.

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