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New final results of URBACT projects now available!

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09 October 2017
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20 URBACT projects have completed their programme of exchange and learning activities. The project partners have been working relentlessly for three years looking for joint, effective and sustainable solutions to major urban challenges. These projects have brought to light solutions that have proven effective and providing valuable support for policy makers and practitioners involved in tackling these challenges. Each project has published its final publications and recommendations. Here is a look at the results, recommendations and outputs of 4 new projects!

SUITE – Social and Urban Inclusion through HousingWith a real estate market that has become uncontrollable, combined with the major economic, social and democratic changes that are happening today, new expectations for social housing are emerging in cities. Can housing, and more specifically social housing, be capable of continuing to guarantee a good quality of life to the most disadvantaged? And if so, how? What is the role that cities and great urban areas have to play in facing this challenge? These are the questions that reigned over the creation of the URBACT SUITE project, which brought together nine partner cities around an ambitious objective: succeeding in including the three dimensions of sustainable development—social, economic and environmental—into urban housing policies.

Discover SUITE results and recommendations!

Urban N.O.S.E. - Towards an urban economic system of social incubators

Times of crisis push cities to develop "emergency plans" in order to support the emergence of new economic activities (sustainable, cultural and social development). Social enterprises can also serve to improve social cohesion, which gives them a role as a driving force in achieving sustainable urban development as described in the Lisbon and Goteborg strategies. This is why, for three years the cities participating in the URBACT Urban N.O.S.E. project worked to develop new business incubator models adapted to the needs of private stakeholders in the social sector.

Discover Urban N.O.S.E results and recommendations!

Creative Clusters in low density urban area

The idea behind the URBACT Creative Clusters project is that creativity can be a major driving force in the economic development of small urban centres. The nine partner cities in the project developed their Local Action Plans based on the model of larger "creative cities", taking the ingredients needed for the development of a creative economy (cultural activities, high-tech installations, competitive clusters, partner networking, etc.) and transferring and adapting them to low urban density cities.

Discover Creative Clusters results and recommendations!

CoNet - Exploring current approaches to strengthen social cohesion in neighbourhoods across Europe

In twenty years of integrated social cohesion policies, Europe has seen new forms of governance arise. A number of efforts have been led to reduce poverty and exclusion in disadvantaged neighbourhoods, enabling significant progress to be made, although this progress is not enough. Improving the impact of integrated social cohesion approaches is even more important in the current context of crisis. This is the objective behind the creation of the URBACT CoNet project, in which eleven partner cities worked to improve cooperation among the various players on the social field and at disseminating good practices.

Discover CoNet results and recommendations!

Visit our new page displaying the results of the URBACT projects. It is regularly updated with the final publications and recommendations of the URBACT projects closing their exchange and learning activities.

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