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URBACT Video: Common Challenges, Concrete Results

Edited on

09 October 2017
Read time: 1 minute

URBACT gathers 37 projects, 300 cities, 29 countries and 5,000 active participants. Discover these projects, partners and activities in a short video produced for the URBACT Annual Conference in Liege.

Integrated urban development is core to URBACT II, whose main vocation is to promote a new approach to urban policy. This approach is called "integrated" and considers both the environmental and social impact of urban development.

To date within URBACT, 9 thematic clusters have been identified under 3 Thematic Poles, which assemble URBACT projects that are working on similar or complementary projects. These 9 areas of expertise reflect the work being done by active projects:

Discover in this video an introduction to these URBACT Thematic clusters and projects.



URBACT Thematic Clusters: Common Challenges Concrete Results
envoyé par urbact. - Regardez les dernières vidéos d'actu.

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