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Green Paper on territorial cohesion : Read the contribution of a group of actors involved in URBACT II

Edited on

22 July 2015
Read time: 1 minute

The European Commission adopted the Green Paper on Territorial Cohesion on October 6th, 2008, signalling the start of a major consultation with regional and local authorities, associations, NGOs, civil society and other organisations. The aim is to achieve a better and shared understanding of territorial cohesion and its implications for the future of the EU's regional policy. All citizens and organisations were welcomed to contribute to this consultation. Some URBACT II partners prepared a contribution to the debate on the future European policy of cohesion.

"The authors of this contribution share the conviction of the growing role of cities and urban regions both in economic development and social cohesion. Cities and urban regions in Europe should be seen as laboratories offering opportunities to invent and to build new compromises between economical, social and environmental interests, and give birth to a genuinely sustainable urban development. Building on their ground experiences and on the outcomes of the URBACT programme, the authors of this contribution are convinced that cities and urban regions are the right level for action and innovation, the right place to mix sectoral and territorial policies and to build a "new urban welfare". Read more:
