CALL FOR APPLICANT : Assistance to the URBACT Secretariat
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05 February 2015Provision of assistance to the URBACT Secretariat to support the work of the group in charge of exploring options for the integration of the Referential Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) into URBACT

URBACT is a European Territorial Cooperation programme which enables European cities to work together and to develop effective and sustainable solutions to major key urban challenges. The principle of a new generation of the URBACT Programme (URBACT III) for 2014-2020 has been approved and the programming process is now ongoing. To design the future Operational Programme URBACT III, a Joint Programming Working Group (JPWG), composed of voluntary Member/ Partner States, and representatives of the European Commission representatives and the URBACT Secretariat has been set up in November 2012. In the context of the preparation of the URBACT III programme, the decision was taken by the JPWG to set up a subgroup that would explore options for the possible integration of the Referential Framework for Sustainable Cities (RFSC) into the URBACT III programme. The RFSC toolkit is a joint initiative of the Member States, the European Commission and European organisations of local governments. It is an on-line toolkit ( to assist actors of urban management and development to improve dialogue and action on sustainability. It offers a multi-purpose decision-making and communication tool for promoting sustainable urban development. It is not place-specific and can be adapted to suit local priorities and different circumstances. The tool shows and explains step-by-step what actions are possible or necessary to organise the process in a city or municipality, that is to say to help the city develop in an integrated manner. The subgroup of the URBACT JPWG on RFSC is steered by the URBACT Secretariat . This subgroup is composed of representatives of the European Commission, the URBACT Managing Authority, interested Member States, the Management Team (French ministries, CEMR, etc.) and the URBACT Secretariat. The subgroup has a mandate to explore, in 2014, the options and impact of the integration of the RFSC into URBACT III with a focus on the following issues:
- Activities to be performed by URBACT III with regard to RFSC to allow the tool to operate and develop, and to allow cities to use the tool
- Financial implications for the URBACT III programme
- Organization of roles, responsibilities and tasks Technical issues (website development, property rights, maintenance, etc.)
- Transition period 2014
As part of the developments for the future programming period, the URBACT Secretariat is looking for provision of assistance to explore the integration of the RFSC into URBACT in the framework of the RFSC subgroup of the URBACT JPWG. The assistance to be provided to the Secretariat is twofold: 1) Coordination of the RFSC subgroup of the URBACT JPWG which would include:
- Preparing meetings (agendas, briefs, participant lists, etc.)
- Reporting on meetings (written reports, taking part to JPWG or MC meetings whenever necessary, etc.)
2) Supporting the Secretariat in exploring the implications of the integration of RFSC in the future programme through:
- Collecting and processing existing strategic, contractual and operational documents related to the current positioning and functioning of RFSC
- Producing synthetic notes to feed into the reflection process
- Drafting proposals and recommendations in close cooperation with the Secretariat on the different scenarios that could be envisaged for the integration of the RFSC in the programme
The assistance will last six months from February to the end of July 2014. During this period the RFSC subgroup of the URBACT JPWG should meet four times; the average workload is estimated around 5 days per month.
Prerequisites and service provider profile
- Junior professional with a good background on integrated and sustainable urban development
- Very good oral communication and writing skills in English and French
- Strong analytical and synthesis skills
- Understanding of European Programmes would be a plus.
- 10 January 2014: Publication of the call for applicants
- 31 January 2014: Deadline for submission of applications
- 5 February 2014: Selection of the applicant and start of the mission
Offers can be written either in English or French. Offers shall include:
- A cover letter that will explain how the candidate understands the mission, how he/she intends to tackle it and why the candidate is suitable for the mission
- A resume
- A financial proposal detailing the different phases, number of work days and work day unit cost. The estimated budget is 15.000 € VAT included maximum.
Offers must be sent to the URBACT Secretariat via e-mail to Thierry PICQUART and Emmanuel MOULIN Offers to be sent no later than Friday 31 January 2014.
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