Call for tender for the provision of Assistance to communication
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06 February 2015The URBACT II communication and dissemination strategy aims to ensure that the information about URBACT II programme and projects, as well as knowledge and expertise gained through the Programme, is transferred and disseminated to its many target audiences. Crucial components of the URBACT communication strategy are: digital communication tools, communication and dissemination events, publications and partnerships with national and European networks.

The URBACT Secretariat is now looking for an Assistant in the Communication Strategy. The contractor will be asked to work alongside the Head of the URBACT Secretariat and the Communications Pole Manager, providing various services:
- Assistance to Project Communications
- Coordination of URBACT Publications and Content Marketing
- Programme-Level Communications Support
The deadline for receipt of the envelopes is: Thursday 21 November 2013 at noon (GMT + 1) The technical correspondents for this contract is:
- Thierry Picquart, Head of Administration and Coordination, URBACT secretariat
The administrative correspondents for this contract are: Acsé, DAMC, 209, rue de Bercy ,75585 Paris Cedex 12.
- Mrs Martine Bourcier, Director of the public procurement and litigation service (Scpc) Tel: / fax: / email: and
- Laurent Cousin Officer at the public procurement and litigation department (DAMC) -
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Download CCP_2013_URB_10_28_EN.pdf (208.08 KB) (PDF)
Download RC_2013_URB_10_28_EN.pdf (212.46 KB) (PDF)
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