URBACT is Looking for a Financial Intern
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09 February 2015URBACT is looking for a Financial Intern to assist the URBACT Secretariat, in particular the Finance Pole in the administrative and financial closure of project Calls 1 and 2 and in the update of Presage-cte, the on-line application for management and monitoring of European territorial cooperation programmes.

We are looking for an individual (F/M) with a high level of organization and a keen eye to detail with advanced English language skills who would like to acquire project management skills, gain cross cultural awareness and learn how to work in a culturally diverse workplace.
Duration and starting date: 6 months ideally starting 1st October 2013
To apply: CV + cover letter (in English or in French) exclusively by email to:
t.picquart@urbact.eu and c.ethuin@urbact.eu
Deadline: 13th September 2013
Read more:
Download Financial__Trainnee.pdf (111.29 KB) - PDF
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