URBACT II - Seeking Trainers and Facilitators For Local Support Group Capacity Building Scheme
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10 February 2015URBACT is seeking trainers and facilitators for delivering national training seminars for Local Support Group members in their native languages.
URBACT is a European exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development. URBACT enables European cities to work together and to develop effective and sustainable solutions to major key urban challenges.
In 2013 URBACT will deliver training seminars dedicated to Local Support Group members in the following European countries: Italy, Spain, United Kingdom with Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Germany with Austria, France with Belgian cities, The Netherlands with Belgian cities, Sweden with Finland, Romania, Greece with Cyprus, Denmark, Czech Republic with Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Hungary, Norway, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovenia.
The main objective of the training is to increase the participants’ capacity to develop and manage a participative and integrated approach to action planning and policy-making. It is foreseen that 1-2 seminars of 2 days each will be delivered in each country, in the span of 9 months starting April 2013. Each seminar will be delivered in the national language of the country it takes place in.
We are seeking senior trainers and facilitators to deliver the above Capacity Building Schemes.
Applicants should send their ENGLISH CV in Europass format with a cover letter in English to the following e-mail address application@fondazionebrodolini.it by 31 January 2012 (new date!).
For More Information See Attached Files Below:
Download UrbactCBS_TrainersSearch_v2.pdf (367.01 KB) - PDF File
Download UrbactCBS_FacilitatorsSearch_v2.pdf (366.9 KB) - PDF File
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