6th European Summit of Regions and Cities, 7-8 March 2014
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24 June 2019The Committee of the Regions (CoR), together with the Region of Attica, will organise the 6th European Summit of Regions and Cities in Athens on 7 and 8 March 2014 at a key political moment for the future of Europe.

The Summit will be held at the eve of the Spring European Council and a few months ahead of the elections to the European Parliament. It will also mark the 20th anniversary of the CoR. The objective of the Summit is to take stock of the efforts made at European, national, regional and local level to deliver job-rich recovery. It will also bring a high-level debate with European political leaders about the 2014 European elections.
The Summit will start on Friday afternoon 7 March (after a CoR Bureau meeting in the morning), with a session about Europe’s strategy for growth and jobs from a local and regional perspective, including the specific concerns from the Greek political level. The second Summit session, on Saturday morning 8 March, includes a debate about the forthcoming European elections, will contribute to the discourse about the EU when addressing the public opinion in Greece and in the rest of Europe. A preliminary programme is available on this website.
Registration is open from 28 November 2013 until 20 February 2014. To register, please log in on the online registration page and fill in the form. As space is limited, the Summit organisers reserve the right to assign priority to participants demonstrating a genuine interest in the event. A confirmation of your registration will be sent by email.
The event will welcome a total of up to 700-800 participants including members of the CoR and of national, regional and local parliaments and councils, stakeholders from the Greek civil society, representatives of associations and experts from the EU institutions. The organisation of the Summit is supported by the Hellenic Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Summit will take place in the Megaron conference centre in Athens.
Contact Person: CoR Events Unit Organizer: Committee of the Regions Phone - Mobile: +32 2 282 20 10 - Email: summit2014@cor.europa.eu
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