Results of the Consultation on the Conclusions of the 5th Cohesion Report
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24 June 2019Following the public consultation launched by European Commission DG REGIO on the Conclusions of the 5th Cohesion Report, 444 contributions were received. This public consultation is considered a real success, allowing hundreds of contributors to express their views on the future of Cohesion Policy.

Every three years, the European Union publishes a report on economic, social and territorial cohesion, detailing progress in these areas and how the EU, national and regional governments have contributed. The 5th Cohesion Report was published in November 2010. The document shows that the EU's cohesion policy has made a significant contribution to growth and prosperity and promoting balanced development across the Union. Nevertheless, in view of the substantial economic and social developments over recent years, the policy now has to address new challenges. Following the publication of this report, a public consultation process was launched and run until 31 January 2011.
The contributions were received from many different groups, including Member States, economic and social partners, regional and local authorities as well as citizens, European interest organisations on territorial issues, private companies and civil society organisations.
Contributors expressed their views on ways to enhance the added value of cohesion policy, as well as on ways to strengthen governance and to streamline the delivery system of cohesion policy. Another important point among the contributors was the future architecture of cohesion policy for the next programming period.
A group of urban experts involved in the URBACT Programme has also responded to the consultation. Entitled ' Download THE 2020 STRATEGY AND COHESION POLICY SUPPORTING CITIES Contribution to the 5th cogension Report (388.11 KB)', their contribution underlines the place of the urban component as a key to realising the essential objectives of the report.
A Staff Working Document, and a citizen summary presenting the results of the public consultation was published on 13 May 2011.
Read more:
- Results of the public consultation on the Conclusions of the 5th Cohesion Report - Inforegio website
- Citizen Summary - PDF
- 5th Report on Economic, Social and Territorial Cohesion: the Future of Cohesion Policy - URBACT website
- URBACT Contribution to the 5th Cohesion Report Now Available - URBACT website
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